Sunday, June 26, 2016

Unshackled Moments ~ June 26 ~ Uncertainty

The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do. 
–John Holt

When I was younger it seemed to me that there was nothing that my father didn't know how to do. No matter what situation came up he always knew just how to react or respond in the best possible way. I felt very impressed with my Dad. As I grew older I learned the truth, that there were many things and situations that put him in a bit of quandary. There were times he didn't know the perfect words to say. He didn't know the next move to make. He didn't know how to fix it.

You might think that this realization would bring with it disillusionment and disappointment. But it didn't. The truth is that I am even more impressed. You see, while my father may not always know what physical step to make, I have repeatedly witnessed him make the same, and always right, spiritual step when faced with uncertainty. When he doesn't know what to do, his immediate action is to always turn to his Heavenly Daddy for guidance and direction. His reaction is not to react until he hears what to do from the Holy Spirit.

I want to be more like that. If our behavior when we don't know how or what to do is to turn inward to guidance from the Spirit, we can rest assure that the next thing we do will be right, blessed and anointed to make something good come if every situation and circumstance. Today, let us be quick to turn to God for direction when we encounter uncertainty.

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