Saturday, May 2, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ May 2 ~ Open Minded

The mind is like a parachute; it works much better when it’s open.

This is a popular saying, and there is some truth in it, but today it occurred to me that before accepting or dismissing such analogies I should carry it through. The idea behind this analogy seems obvious. If a person has to leave an aircraft while it's in the air, they need a parachute, and it doesn't work if it's not opened.

But let's go a step further and stipulate that it would be opened. Then what? Once opened, the canopy is released to catch the wind, but the lines that attach it to the person do more than just tie the two together. The lines restrict the canopy. The force the material into a certain shape so that it will work as intended and bring the user safely to the ground. If the chute is not restricted upon opening it won't catch the wind right and the resulting fall will likely end in death.

Yes, our minds are like parachutes and work better when opened, but let's not be so open minded that we plummet to destruction. The truth acts as a restricting line to the canopy of an open mind. With it, our open mind can be guided by the wind of the Spirit to soar safely in love, but without it we free fall until we are broken.

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