Friday, December 2, 2016

Unshackled Moments ~ December 2 ~ Holding Their Hope

We were not called to a life of isolation. We are called to love God and love others, to give ourselves in service to Him for them. That is enough to let us know that we are not to walk through life cut off from others. But there is another reason not to isolate. We are told in I Thessalonians 5:11 to comfort and build one another up. Build up, in some translations edify, is to help in a specific way, to help by supporting and encouraging.

That means that there will be times when we are in need of comfort, support and encouragement. No matter how strong and good our spiritual walk, no matter how much knowledge, wisdom and faith that we may have, we will have down times, struggles, where we are simply incapable on our own. And others will have those times as well. It's not a sign that you lack faith. It doesn't mean you don't know and understand the truth that the solution is found in God. It means you're tired, or weak or being beaten down by life, or caught off guard by an unexpected battle or have been fighting too long without a break and without help. And yes, Jesus is the answer whenever we are in a time of struggle and discouragement. And yes, the Holy Spirit is the Comforter. And yes Daddy is our help and our refuge. We look to God for the power that we need to endure and continue.

None of that changes the fact that we need human help too. Why? Because God designed it that way. He wants us to care for and serve each other. He wants us to love as Jesus loved, laying our lives down in care and help to make a way for those who are in need. So we take turns being the helper and the one in need. In recovery it is practically impossible to find freedom and keep it on our own. We need help, support, encouragement and comfort. We need instruction and guidance. When the first pink clouds of joy from success and freedom from whatever bondage we are fighting begins to fade and the journey turns hard, we lose hope fast. We lose the desire to keep going, to keep fighting, to do the work that will keep us free. We lose hope that doing what others did will give us the results that they found. We begin to doubt that God can and will if He is sought.

For an alcoholic and an addict it often means that the happiness and feeling good that accompanies getting clean and sober (after the initial withdrawal is over) simply disappears and from seemingly nowhere this craving comes and they find themselves without defense against picking up again. I don't have the personal experience with other addictions like over eating or gambling or whatever else to be able to describe it, but every recovery program has something to address the hope and happiness fading as the beast rears its ugly head and the need for a mentor, partner, friend in the fight.

Getting past the newcomer point doesn't change anything either. When the old timer thinks he has graduated from ever being the one in need and lets his pride of being the one to help instead of the one to ask for help get in the way, he is in trouble. Sooner or later there will come a time when he is facing a struggle in which God wants him to humble himself and admit he still can't do it alone. If he is able to do that, he will find help and encourage others, serving as a reminder that we never outgrow our inability to walk free alone. If not, he may find himself relapsing after years of freedom.

And the Christian life and walk is no different than recovery. At the beginning we are babies that need to be fed by others. We can't walk with God on our own, because we simply don't know how. But we are to grow and mature. However growing up doesn't mean we never need help. Even old and wise saints and ministers need at least one trusted and faithful friend in Christ they can talk to, share with and be completely open and honest with, an accountability partner who can help them keep track of their spiritual position and where they need to get back on track, who can pray for them with understanding. Otherwise you get some preacher hiding his struggles and failures until powerlessness snowballs into destruction that can no longer  be hidden, comes to light and then it ruins lives. You find a saint full of self righteousness and pride suddenly blindsided by revealed sin that a babe in Christ would never think about falling into.

Life will get hard. Our walk with God will have periods of time when we have trouble seeing where to go and what to do, when we begin to lose hope that it is possible to continue, to win the fight or to find help in God.  We need comfort. We need encouragement and support. We need someone to hold onto our hope for us.

And just as important as the above is that when we see someone else in a dangerous position or struggling and discouraged we don't kick them while their down. That is not a time for they should know better comments. This is not a time for wondering what sin they have allowed freedom in their live that is now trying to pull them back into their bondage or for gossiping about their struggle. This is not a time to doubt they are as spiritually fit as a person with their amount of time in relationship with God should be. No. None of that is the right response. The only response is to love as Jesus loves and be a source of help in time of trouble. We can go to them and remind them that they are not alone and they are loved. Hey, I've been where you're at and have been doing this a while and know some things that might help or you may have been doing this longer than me and I know you know Jesus is the answer to what you're going through but it seems that whatever you're carrying is getting too heavy and the fight is threatening to be too much. (one of those or something similar along with something along the lines of ) I'm here. I'll help you hold your hope. I'll help you carry the load to Jesus. I'll listen. I'll pray. I'll fight with you and for you. You don't have to struggle not to lose your hope, because I've got it safe and sound right here.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

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