Monday, March 19, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ March 19, 2018 ~ What A Friend

Isn't it awesome the Jesus is a friend to sinners? That means He is my friend, and He either is your friend as well or can be. We are all sinners, or if you prefer, imperfect morally and spiritually. Being a sinner doesn't make you worse than anyone else when everyone is in the same category. We could just as easily say that Jesus is a friend of human beings. It amounts to the same thing.

Instead of bristling and becoming defiant at the idea of being called a sinner, we have the option of being grateful that someone who is more able than us to do what is right would be our friend. I know that it's not our natural bent to act that way. Even us who know we aren't perfect often look down on those who seem worse than us. We reject and walk away. I'm done. You're too messed up. You're too much trouble. You're not worth it, and you can't or won't change, so just don't come near me. And yet, the best of us is closer on the scales of perfection to the worst than they are to Him. Getting a 59 on a test may seem a lot better, smarter, whatever, than the person who scores a 3, but it's still a failing grade. Jesus came and did what we were always supposed to do and couldn't, and He made a 100. Yet He doesn't look down on us. He declares that He will be our friend.

Now here is a beautiful benefit of that friendship. I am a selfish, imperfect person, but still if I see a friend struggling to carry a load, I will try to help. That's what friends do. We forget that simple truth sometimes, and do not apply it to Jesus. We get worn out and beaten down from the pain of our struggles. And more often than not, it is because we insist on carrying a load that we were never intended to carry alone. It's not that Jesus is far from us and refusing or unable to help. It's that we don't move over and let Him grab the burden.

He is our friend. When He sees us struggling, which is every time we struggle, He is right there with the Spirit, saying let Me Help carry that and be your comfort. We don't have to do it ourselves. In fact it is foolish and damaging for us to continue to try. We have over-sized egos and under-sized strength. God know that, but He's not condemning us for it. He's constantly calling us to come close for our refuge, strength and comfort.

A friend is someone we are in relationship with, a relationship that is ongoing, continual, and beneficial. Jesus is more than our savior. He is our friend. Yes, I am pounding on that idea, because it so important. It seems we so often have an attitude that says, I know I need a savior, so thank You Jesus for Your salvation and forgiveness. I got it from here. But we don't have it. The weight will cripple and crush us. His burden is light for us, because He has done all, every bit, of the heavy lifting. Heavy? More like the impossible for us lifting. He is not only the alpha, the beginning of our faith, but He is the sustainer, and He is the omega, the finisher of our faith.

When we remember that He is our friend, and not our benefactor. we can let go of what of the weight that is breaking us down and causing us to stumble. We can more easily find our rest in Him, because we can remember that we are not His volunteer project. We are His friends, and He cares for us.

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