Thursday, April 6, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ April 6, 2017 ~ The Essence Of Humility

There are a lot of different ways we look at what it means to be humble. Humility is remaining teachable. Humility is being right sized. Humility is not thinking too much (highly) or too little (lowly) of yourself. But I think my favorite is that humility realizes there is a God, and you're not it.

Only the humble can let God be God. Jesus said that we need to have the faith of the child. That doesn't mean we are gullible. It surely doesn't mean that we don't question. Children can pester you to death with questions. They desire to understand. But children also understand that there are things that they simply are not big enough or powerful enough to do. And when those things need to be done, they do not have a problem saying Mom, Dad, Somebody, help me!

Humility means we obey God because His way is better than ours. Humility means we listen to His guidance and surrender our will to His because we understand and trust that what He plans for us always works out better, with more contentment, joy, peace, etc. than the quick pleasure seeking selfishness of our own will. Humility means that we get out of the way and stop trying to do for ourselves, by ourselves, what only God is able to do, but instead are quick to say Daddy help me. Humility lets God be God.

Jesus, God wrapped in flesh, humbled Himself as a human. He came and lived as one of us, facing the temptations and fears we face, and then suffering for us, letting the Father have complete control. He only did what He saw the Father do. He only spoke what He heard the Father speak. And He loved those that the Father loved. We can't see Daddy, but we can see Jesus. Jesus said if we've seen Him, we've seen Daddy. And if we want to boil it down to the very essentials of how to act and what to do, then to walk humbly is to love who Jesus loves, the way Jesus loves them. And that simply means to love God and love others and lay down your life in service to both. That is the essence of not running things yourself and letting God be God. It is the essence of humility.

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