Monday, November 30, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 30 ~ Making Room

The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.”
- Luke 10:41-42

'Tis the season of distractions and have to get dones. We have a list of things to do, so much that we'll probably fail to complete it. This is an every day, all year situation, but even more so as Christmas approaches. There are events and gatherings to prepare for or just be able to get to. There are decorations to put up, gifts to buy, food to prepare. And all the work that goes in before getting started on those things are even possible. There are also deeds of service and charity that increase this time of year. Traveling and work conflict and both demand our time and attention. None of these things are wrong or bad or need to be neglected.

But Jesus wants us to come sit with Him and spend time with Him. Martha was busy and worried about many tasks, all of which were probably necessary. There was a house full of guests, one of whom was THE LORD. They needed to be fed and cared for. Social dictates demanded a certain level of hospitality, never mind the actual physical needs. Martha was concerned about her responsibilities, and blowing off responsibilities is never a spiritual calling. But while we are to be responsible, that is not the priority of life. The need to do and have to do lists should always take a back seat to the need to spend time with the Savior. Our life is found in relationship with Him, and we maintain that life by maintaining our time at His feet being like the Mary we don't usually hear about this time of year.

Mary had the right idea. This needs to be done, but Jesus is more important. I'll get to the other, but I need to be with Him first. Don't let the distractions of what needs to be done crowd Christ out of your schedule. Make room for Him in the inn of your heart and minds. He is not an after thought. He gets the throne of our lives. He's not waiting out in the barn.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Great Expectations ~ First Sunday of Advent

Dalyn Woodard shares an Advent message on the first Sunday of Advent. hope, expectation and waiting do not have to have the negative connotations that we sometimes attribute to them. They can be a source of great joy and peace.The message, "Great Expectations" is about 21 minutes long and was recorded at Nacogdoches Christian Fellowship on Sunday, November 29, 2015. It's our prayer that you are blessed and ministered to as you listen. May God bless and keep you.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Groaning For Glory

Dalyn Woodard returns to the  study on Romans and shares on the groans for glory. How the very creation, we as believers and the Holy Spirit await the coming redemption and the implication of that wait. The message, "Groaning For Glory" is about 49 minutes long and was recorded at Nacogdoches Christian Fellowship on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. It's our prayer that you are blessed and ministered to as you listen. May God bless and keep you.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Unshackled Moments ~ November 29 ~ Coming Attractions

"The birth of Christ is the central event in the history of the earth -- the very thing the whole story has been about."
- C.S. Lewis

Did you know that there's a new Star Wars movie about to come out? I bet most of my dear readers know. Even people what are not fans of the film franchise and do not plan to see it have heard about it and seen the trailers. For those of us who are fans, well we're excited as a child on Christmas Eve. My wife and I bought tickets early and will be driving about four hours so we can see it opening day with her son. Half of the commercials on TV these days seem to in some way reference the upcoming movie or the series in some way. The trailers being viewed by such large numbers shut down servers the day they were released online.

What's that got to do with my walk with God? The Star Wars Advent Season began months ago, long before the first trailers. In fact, it began for most people shortly after the closing credits scrolled by on the screening of the last film, and began in earnest expectation when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars from George Lucas. Star Wars Advent? The word advent simply means "coming." But Advent, when capitalized and standing alone has long come to mean only one coming....the coming of our Lord Jesus and the celebration of Christmas.

That's what's so great about this time of year.  Advent is like a preview of coming attractions. It's a celebration of what's coming and Who came to make it possible. The start of Advent is a celebration of waiting with hope and expectation.  It  really started in the Garden Of Eden. At the very moment Adam and Eve realized their world literally was coming undone and going to hell came the promise of One who would come to reverse the curse and bruise the head of the serpent. Since then, as the world has seen the sadness caused by the fall, there has been a promise that things can and will be better. The Old Testament is full of prophecies pointing to the birth of Christ, the sacrifice He would make and the restoration with the Father He would provide.

Since His birth, we remember that He came, but the reason that we celebrate that He came, that He was born, is because He died and rose. And the reason we celebrate that He died and rose is because He did it for us, to make a way for us to be restore to the Father. Advent may be focused on the birth of Christ, but it's all a preview, the event that stirs the excitement and speculation and eager anticipation of the main event to come, His triumphant return and an eternal celebration of love, peace, and joy unhindered by pain, sorrow or sin.

It's easy to get caught up in Christmas with the anticipation of the coming attractions of gifts, family, friends and food. But those things don't last, and even at their best don't fully satisfy the soul. We can all get swept up in the coming of something big, like Star Wars or the next block buster movie. But how often do the films fall short of the hype? The expectation becomes too high a standard to achieve. The trailer shows the best, funniest, most exciting parts of a two hour film in a minute and a half, so instead of the movie feeling greater than the coming attractions it is a bit of a let down. But Advent is the perfect Coming Attraction to which none other can compare. As miraculous and amazing an event that the birth of Jesus was, it will not outshine His return! It made the main event possible, so The Birth needs to be remembered with celebration and joy, but it is not the end of the story. It's Part I of the climatic turning point.

When we remember He came, why He came, and that He is coming again to take us with Him to the main event, which the entirety of time and creation has been preparing for, it's a time to be more excited than a Star Wars fan who has tickets for opening day. We who are Christians have tickets for the greatest banquet party that will ever happen to enjoy as we watch the unfolding of the most awesome sight ever, the creation of a new heaven and earth! Not a Christian? Well, tickets are still available! And they're free! That's reason to celebrate. But hurry and get yours today, because the reason those of us with tickets are so excited is because the wait is almost over. Jesus is coming soon!

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 28 ~ Freedom From Discontent

Don't compare your inside with other people's outside.

As we wrap up the month of Thanksgiving and enter the Advent and Christmas season it's easy to fall into the bondage of discontent. Some of us spent so much energy trying to manufacture gratefulness during the past month that falling into old habits of self-centeredness and envy almost feels like a release and relief. It's a time of preoccupation with wish lists and idealism. I wish I could afford to get my loved ones....I wish I could have.....All I want is this ideal and perfect holiday that makes me feel safe and warm and wonderful and....Look at them, their family is what I wish I had, they have the things I can't....and  on and on it goes.  Many parents spent the first day after giving thanks for what they have fighting each other over gifts to buy their children that won't last till spring. Some people have their entire sense of self worth and value wrapped up in what they receive from others or what they are able to give. The Christmas season can make the rat race feel like a leisurely stroll.

This idealized standard of special and miraculous perfection full of peace, love, family, friends and every wish fulfilled can make us crazy and sick. There's a valid reason for the increase in suicides at this time of year. But this bondage is part of why we celebrate the season. No, we're not celebrating the insanity that we, in our humanness, have turned Christmas into. We're celebrating the One who came to set the captives free, even the captives to envy and discontent and the pressure to live up to some fantastical standard or someone else's life. We don't have to surrender to that particular prison.

One key to freedom in this area is to stop comparing ourselves and our lives to the lives of others. We need to not measure what we feel about what we have or don't have by looking at what others have, or seem to have.  It's impossible to be content while measuring ourselves against the appearances of others. If they seem to have more or better we burn with discontent and envy. If we feel we're on the upside of things we can slip into pride, haughtiness and the need to stay on top.

But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such ‘wisdom’ does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 
- James 3:14–16

The second key is to rejoice and celebrate with others over their blessings. Rather than being bitter about someone else receiving a blessing that you wish you had, rejoice for them. In order to do this, we have to actively engage ourselves in love and deny the instinct to focus on our self. Love and deny self. It sounds a lot like what Jesus said we had to do to follow Him, doesn't it?

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 
-Romans 12:15

Finally we need to remember that our value and worth is not based on what we have, not even in the people we have or don't have in our life. Our worth and the value of our life is established by the great love of God for us and in our relationship with Him. Our ability to be content is rooted in our fellowship with our Creator, and not on our worldly relationships or possessions. We can celebrate this time of year and escape getting caught up in the lack trap by keeping our heart on the eternal and our riches that we have in Him. He came and died to be with us. That's our joy.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 27 ~ Kingdoms Toppled

Christmas time is here, at least for my family. Sometime after the turkey on Thursday and sunrise on Friday the Christmas season officially begins, and it has nothing to do with Black Friday sales or Cyber Monday sales. It begins after Thanksgiving, but as early as possible to enjoy each and every day possible with the tree and Christmas shows and music and family and more food and...But, even though I started a little early this year with the music, it's not about all that any more than it's about the sales and the gifts. The Christmas season, which officially kicks off in a couple of days on the First Advent Sunday, is a time to remember that Joy has come into the world and into our lives. Why are we joyful? Because the Lord has come!

But amidst all the hustle and bustle do we remember what that means? Lord means someone having power, authority, influence and mastery over someone. One who rules. And The Lord that has come is the Lord of lords, or the master and ruler of rulers. We're rejoicing because the King had come. We rejoice because we are no longer free to do as we please, because our revolution failed and we must bow the knee.

Do we get that? It's hard for us to grasp at times. America's vague concept of a king is based on Disney, usually a flawed father who makes unwise decisions or in some way fails to protect his daughter from well everything, and or the monarchy of England, which at this point is ceremonial and mostly powerless. England has a Queen, but not really. She can't step out on her balcony this morning and declare a decree that all in her realm must obey no matter what.

A real king does just that. He rules. It's not a democracy. We don't get a vote. Yes, God takes into account our needs and the desires of our heart, but that's because He's a good King, not because we have a right to our say or vote on the matter. We are called to submit our will to His will. That's religious speak for we can't always get what we want, but if we try to do what God wants, we'll find that we get what we need and what we get will also be what we want. Isn't that better than the philosophy of Mick Jagger?

Anyway, we celebrate because we have been invaded by a King who now has dominion, absolute authority and power, over our lives. This Lord who has come said repeatedly that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, that means it's being established in our lives. And He taught us to pray, Thy, as in the King's - God the Father's, kingdom come. We need to remember that praying that, by very definition of the the words kingdom and come, means that we are praying that our kingdom go! You can't have two kingdoms in one land. You can't have two real kings. One king must rule and everyone else, including any other "kings" must be ruled.

Let us not get confused and think this life is our own. We have the right to rule our life about as much as Herod was king of Israel. He had the title, and authority...as long as nothing he tried to do went against the authority and rule of the real ruler of the land, Caesar. And we have the right to make choices and decisions and rule our life. We are kings of our own little kingdom. But if we are Christians, that kingship is only valid as long as it is in submission to The King. Our kingdom has to go, to make room for His kingdom. We are rejoicing over our dependence, over coming under the rule of a King. It's the exact opposite of July the 4th. And life is so much better with the right King ruling over our lives, and that is why we have joy!

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 26 ~ Surviving Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving dear reader. Today can be a day of family, and food (and football) that is both wonderful and something that looks like  homecoming at Arkham Asylum. For some Thanksgiving is a day when once a year we stop griping and complaining and pay attention to the blessings we have received. For some it's just stress and sadness. Some dread and some love the holiday. I happen to love it. Even the Arkham moments.

This is a holiday that is supposed to be about remembering the providence of God and the helping hands of humans reaching out in love to help one another. It's not exactly about remembering to be thankful in all things and at all times.  It's not about the food, or family, or....even football. It's a remembering a time of such need and misery that it appeared that death was near and unavoidable. Things got so bad everyone involved thought they would die. Then, because of the providence of God and people helping when they had no reason other than goodness and mercy to do so, the people survived. It's not about feeling good and mushy about family or remembering how easy we have it.

It's actually about the hard times. The misery. The my life got this bad in this area and that area and I just knew I couldn't survive. I thought surely I would die. But God. But God and this person or that person helped me, and I am still here. I made it through the valley of the shadow of death. Spring is not fully here, there may be a few more cold spells and freezes (the first Thanksgivings were in February), but winter is fading, spring is coming, and I have hope.

Today let us not try to pretend that the darkness isn't there in the shadow, let us not try to manufacture wonder and gratitude at how good life is while deep inside feeling it hasn't been or isn't so grand. Let us acknowledge the truth of just how harsh the winter has been, how close to death we have come, and especially the But God. But God. We are still here. But God, there is hope for a better tomorrow. But God, we did not die and will not die yet. And let us remember that in order for God to use people to bless others, to be His hands, we need to be willing to be those hands.

Oh, one last thing, if this doesn't apply to you, and you haven't had those bleak and dark moments when you thought you would die or wished you would, then hallelujah. By all means rejoice for you have been truly and richly blessed. But those of us who have walked through, and lived in hell on earth, should have an even easier time realizing how much we have to be thankful for rather than a harder time. Doesn't the cool water feel more refreshing  and wonderful after the struggle in and with the hear? Happy Thanksgiving.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 25 ~ Put On Your Parka; It's Cold

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
- Philippians 4:11-13

Who or what do we serve? Serve means to perform duties or services for. That's what life is about. We all serve somebody or something. Contentment and a life worth living is found in pursuing the presence of God. But we can slip into a form of idolatry in the name of Christianity all too easily. To be a Christian means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, as in to be one of the ones who picks up a method of execution (i.e. a cross) and kills the self every day in order to follow Jesus.

That's what it's supposed to mean to be a Christian. But sometimes we rewrite the definition. Christianity becomes less about the pursuit of His presence and more about the pursuit of happiness, feeling good and self-fulfillment. And when that happens, Christianity becomes a twisted religion that is not truth, but rather just another form of idolatry and destruction. To pursue God only as an agent for happiness, is to make happiness and feeling good our god.

Serving happiness rather than God, will often put us in the position of trying to use and manipulate God into manufacturing that happiness for us. Maybe we seriously need to think that move through. In what plane of existence could trying to manipulate or use for our own purposes the Most Powerful Being that ever was, is or will be, The Creator Of All, including us, seem like a wise thing to do?

Don't get me wrong. It's not a bad thing to be happy. Happiness is a good thing. But before we start chasing it, let's do two things. First, we need to remember that happiness is a by-product, not the prize. The prize for which we steadfastly run the race is the presence of God. Secondly, we need to make sure we have the right definition of happiness.

We tend to make choices on what  will bring the most happiness. We're all basically hedonists at heart, even those with martyr complexes who glory in their misery. But if we define happiness wrong, then the choices we make that should achieve it fail to do so. The right definition of happiness, and any other word or concept for that matter, is God's. And God's idea of happiness is better understood by the word contentment than the modern American term happiness.

To be content and therefore to be able to endure and go through any situation, good and bad is the message of Philippians 4:13. We sometimes quote that verse as if it were a promise that we can defeat any situation not to our liking, but that's not what it's about. We are so locked into self that even Christians all too often fail to topple that idol. It's shocking how whiny we can be when we get caught up in our pity parties. Circumstances and situations get us down and we moan and throw a fit because we don't get our way. Now, it's not good to pretend that we feel good when we don't. There is a time to weep, mourn and groan. And when we do, the Spirit is right there crying with us. But that place of mournful desolation is not a place where we have to dwell as believers. It's a valley we go through, a wasteland we cross. It is not where we are supposed to live. We can be content...a state of peaceful, satisfied joy, even in the worst of times and situations.

How? Like Paul, we have to tap into the source. We can go through any and all things, endure any and all things, including our own versions of the cross, through Christ who strengthens.

It's the Spirit of God that helps us choose love over self, to choose to serve others over serving ourselves. And in love and service to Him, in the path of His will over our will is where we find Him to be the provision for contentment and joy. God has promised to complete His work in our lives, and no matter how bleak life can look, we can trust that it's not the way it always will be.

Sometimes it feels like life is about enduring misery, and that's just how it is and always will be. Not so.  There is something better coming. We may or may not experience much of it on this side of eternity, but it's well worth the crud we go through on the way.  Seriously, we'll camp out in miserable weather surrounded by crowds of people we don't like to try to get a shot at a good sale, or tickets to Star Wars or great seats for a concert or the perfect hunting spot or fishing hole opening day or whatever you'd endure discomfort to achieve, but we throw a fit over a brief moment of pain and discomfort while waiting for the greatest event we'll ever have the chance to attend? The eternal celebration and joy filled presence of God is the don't miss event of eternity. And compared to eternity, our 80 or so years is less time than one night in the cold in line for the most desired tickets to the most desired event.  One key to contentment is to get out of the moment and remember why we're in line in the first place. Yes, it's cold and hard at times, but what waits for us when we finally get to the front of the line is so worth it.

The second key to finding contentment in any and all circumstances is to through away the lie that is all to easy to believe, the one that says that our life is about us. The human experience is designed to be shared. Life is something we share with God and with others. It is not good for man to be alone is about a lot more than just marriage. We are not meant to go through life alone or for our self. And living for and doing things "just for me because I deserve it" is never going to create contentment. It may give brief happiness, but it will never bring joy or satisfaction with life. The Christian life is not one lived for our own convenience but rather in sacrificial service to others. The needs of the other outweigh the needs of the one self, to put a Christian perspective on a great sci-fi quote.. It seems contrary to what makes sense, but we actually will find more satisfaction and joy in service and laying down our will, self and life for others than we ever will in doing what  seems or feels best for our own interests.

Today let us trade the pursuit of quickly achieved and even more quickly fading pleasure for the lasting joy to be found in the contentment of life God's way, on His terms, and with His definitions. It's not a fake happiness. It's not tricking yourself into being okay with a miserable life. It's about true joy and contentment making up a  spiritual parka, in which we wrap our hearts in the face of very present and freezing winds of pain and need. Contentment designed by God is the greatest covering of any season of every year, and it keeps us warm and safe from exposure during the blizzards of life.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 24 ~ Trapping The Busy Bee

When things aren't going in a good way according to our perception or when we don't feel so blessed, it's all to easy to wander into a trap, the busy bee trap. We can suddenly get proactive about all things spiritual when we start feeling life trying to squeeze the honey out of us. It hurts too much to be still, so we move. Anywhere, anything, just keep busy, as long as it's spiritual. We pray more. We suddenly decide it's time to read through the Bible in 90 days (yes, it's possible), we volunteer at church, we......

The thing is that activity is not the answer to the difficulties of life, not even spiritual activity. If we are doing more "spiritual" activity in an attempt to mask or hide the fact that we are sick and tired and our faith is threatening to fail, it won't help. Mass doses of religion does not bolster the spiritual immune system or increase our faith like taking Vitamin C to stave off colds. In fact, it can have the opposite effect. And if our reaction to feeling not as blessed as we would like or to times being more difficult than we care for is to act like good little Christians and hope God will give us a treat, that's not good either. Yes, God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Seek Him are the two key words there. He's not all about rewarding those who diligently seek the blessing. Keeping busy distract ourselves from where the frustrations and fear take our minds is just another part of the trap.

These are all symptoms of the same trap. What makes it difficult to discern at times is that none of those things that we do to fall into the trap are bad. In fact some are exactly what we need to be doing. Wait? Then how is doing them falling into a trap? We look at the activity. Is it good or not good to do? God isn't looking at that. God is looking at our hearts. Why are we doing it? Sometimes what we need to be doing is getting quiet. Be still and know that I am God is the scripture that comes to mind. Sometimes we do need to get to work doing what we've already been told to do. If we know that we have been called to pray more, to serve more, to volunteer at a soup kitchen, whatever, then by all means obey. The best way to keep the great fish of life from swallowing us whole is to obey and not run from what we are told to do. To obey is better than sacrifice after all.

But whatever we are doing, God wants us to do it for and in His presence. It's all about the presence of God. The goal is not to distract from what feels bad, or to fix what's wrong or to appease or earn treats. The goal is to increase our time of awareness of God's presence. When our desire is to be in the presence of our Creator, that is something worth doing. That is never a trap. It might not always be easy to achieve. Sometimes we just have to refuse to move until He makes  us aware of His presence and gives clear direction about when, where and how to do the moving.

Today, let us not get so caught up in the trap of what we need to do or should be doing that we miss out on the experience of His presence. Let us not get so busy that we can't hear Him speaking to our hearts. We need to be quick to obey, but let us also be quick to stop and wait, to renew our strength in the quiet times with God. In His presence is fullness of joy, which means running around without awareness of His presence...well, that is a lot less joyful.

Sometimes we're not going to be happy. Sometimes we're not going to get our way. Sometimes, we're just a hurting, broken mess. The answer is (as Tamela Mann puts it) to lay at the throne alone and gaze upon His glory, to pour ourselves out to Him as an offering. Sometimes life is grand. We feel good. Everything is working out in a way that makes us smile. It seems like things just couldn't get any better. While those times may seem fewer and farther between than the other, our response should be the same. That's where the life worth living is found, in His presence. It's not in the things we do. Getting caught up in the whats of life and spirituality instead of focusing on the Why of everything is a trap that can keep us from His presence rather than taking us to the King.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 23 ~ They Knew Not?

We find easy at times to excuse or sin, even as we hate it. We hurt others because of our reactions to the pain we are in. We mess up because of our weakness. We cause pain because of our failure to understand any other way to act and live in that moment. We long for forgiveness. If they could only understand the why I was that way, as if we ourselves actually understood it, they would forgive me. But then when we look at the wreckage others have left in our lives, we fail to remember that they are as broken, weak and ignorant as we are, They simply reacted to their own pain, their own weaknesses and their own inability to see how to live any other way. That is why Jesus could pray, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

It's not that the Pharisees didn't know that they were setting up Christ to be killed. The Roman soldiers knew good and well that they were in the act of crucifying Jesus. And everyone standing there knew that they were either allowing it to happen or screaming for it, demanding it. They knew. But they didn't know. The had no power within themselves to override the pain, hurt, fear and confusion in their own life to do things and to see things any other way. They had no power over the effects of the curse on their humanness. Neither did we. Neither did the ones who hurt us.

Only God can provide freedom from and power over the curse of sin in our lives. That's why we need His forgiveness. And it's why we need to extend that same forgiveness to others. To pray with Jesus for the Father to forgive their ignorance, because even when it seems they knew and and understood, they didn't. When we forgive, we remove the barrier in our own heart for God's love to enter and repair the damage done  by ourselves and others in our life. When we refuse to forgive we cut ourselves off. Forgiveness is a free gift card that must be shared to be enjoyed.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 22 ~ Something To Lean On

Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
- Psalm 73:23-26

Even as Christians we can get caught in the trap of self reliance. We sometimes live as though we're supposed to give the big things to God and handle the rest ourselves. Then, once we get in the habit of leaning on our own strength, our own understanding and our own wisdom for the little things we find it difficult to let go when the big things come around, when the crisis hits. Our reflexive response to trouble becomes what am I going to do? How am I going to fix this? How am I going to make this right or make this work? But even when we've fallen into the trap of trying to carry our own load, Jesus is right there asking us to trade.

That's right. Jesus wants to trade. He offers to pick up our loads, the ones we know we can't carry and the ones we mistakenly think we can, and carry them for us in exchange for one that is easy to carry and light. When we surrender our control in exchange for His guidance and service to Him, those questions don't weigh  us down. We don't have to fix it. We don't have to divine a solution to the problem. It's called divining a solution, because solutions are best left to the Divine. We just lean on Him, keep following His direction. God is our comfort, our security, our strength and our way of escape. He is our refuge and our answer. We don't have to rely on ourselves. And that, dear reader, is a very freeing truth.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 21 ~ Too High A Cost

Sometimes we get upset and tempted to rebel when we realize that to walk with God means  total and complete surrender, relationship with God demands everything that we have and are, for that matter were and had and will be and will have should be in there too. Salvation is a free gift that will cost you everything. Giving up everything is a cost that doesn't come close to paying for what it's worth, or earning it or deserving it, but it is a cost. There's a reason why Jesus said count the cost before accepting this free gift. And we can balk at that. We can get upset. What? Give up EVERYTHING? But what about my free time, what about...hey I worked hard for this money and how dare God take my loved one before I was ready! Basically we'd feel a lot better about what it means to truly serve God if we erased the words my and mine from our vocabulary and memory.

And that's the point where a lot of people drift away back to the old life. They go back to fishing for fish rather than fishing for people. They say I can't commit to that! It costs too much! But there's nothing new about what we worship costing us everything. Every idol demands it all. If we idolize power and money it will take all our time, the drive will consume our life and all we are. It will control how we treat others, stepping over people or sacrificing them in the name of work, advancement, financial security, etc. Alcohol and drugs, when used to try to fill the God shaped hole in our life, will consume everything, eventually even our very life. When we try to fill God's space with people, then their attention, pleasing them, needing them, becomes our all in all and drives everything that we do. Sex? No better results. Food can make you miserable pretty quickly when you'r tying to meet more than physical need with it. No matter what we try to fill the empty place meant to hold our relationship with our Creator will cost. And it will all fail and fall short. When it's all said and done, we'll be even more empty than when we started.

So it's unrealistic to believe Jesus would ask for less. He's not some cheap substitute! He's the piece that actually fits the hole in the puzzle of our life. He doesn't have to be forced in. He completes the picture, and He never fails or falls short or out. It's only logical that the right  answer costs more than the ones that only get partial credit and are ultimately wrong. But Jesus is different than those other things in another way than just being the only One that fits that space correctly. Unlike anyone or anything we have ever tried to fill God's place in our lives with, only Jesus gave up everything for us first. After a ministry of total and complete service, He gave up His very life. Now He spends His time interceding, fighting for us in order to provide us power and refuge from the troubles of life due to the curse of this existence against which we have no resources or ability to rescue ourselves.

The idea of being able to go through life on the power of our own will without cost is a ridiculous illusion. Even the god of self will and self rule demands the same price of everything. It's not a question of if we'll give up everything. We will. The question is will we give up everything to Jesus, knowing that He gives more than we can ever give in return or will we give up everything to something that will temporarily let us keep our illusions that we own our life before it takes everything and leaves us empty and broken and destroyed? Jesus is my choice. He is worth the cost and more. Nothing else I've tried has come close to being worth the cost. After all, you get what you pay for, right? Yes, Jesus is my choice. Is He yours?

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 20 ~ Righteous Anger

Something is wrong. Something is wrong with the world. With society. With people. With me. With you. What is going on and what is wrong with everyone and everything are all too common questions. It all seems so stupid and senseless so much of the time. Everyone hates someone, even the ones who claim to love everyone hate the people who hate. The way people act doesn't make much sense, half the time the whys behind the way we ourselves act is even a mystery.

What's wrong can't be made right be policy changes and politics. It won't be fixed by religion or changing human attitudes and behavior. It won't be fixed by removing every weapon from the planet nor by arming every decent person on earth. There are no fixes within our ability. We can't change the world, not enough to save it. We can't change people or society. We can't even significantly change ourselves. But we can submit to the One who can change us.

Even if we can't fix it, knowing something is wrong is important. It matters. Knowing something is wrong is the same as knowing that what is right is missing. And knowing that can cause a yearning for what is missing, the rightness in life and living. The search for rightness is the beginning of the process of being made right. Jesus promised if we seek Him we'll find Him, and He is both the rightness and the One who can and will make all things new and right.

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.
- Romans 8:20-23

There are so many things that annoy us and anger us and can make our lives miserable. You know that idiot who won't hang up and drive? That person's the worst right? Unless it's us. We all know that we're the exceptions that can talk and drive just fine thank you very much. And that constant pain because the body is breaking down? Yes, that can be so frustrating and discouraging. Suicide bombers. Surely everyone can understand having a righteous anger toward suicide bombers and those who encourage, support and protect them. These are just a few examples. There are hundreds of thousands of things from tiny to great that tick us off and keep our anger stirred. Turn your phone off at the movies already! And what is really making us angry is an understanding within the core of who we are that knows this isn't right, it isn't the way it's supposed to be. It wasn't meant to be this way. It's the feeling Dante had when he repeatedly groaned throughout Clerks that, I'm not even supposed to be here!

But the frustration and anger does no good if we try to harness it as fuel for our life or if we let it push us in an attempt to fix or control anyone or anything other than us. What it should do is drive us to our knees. Everything we encounter in this messed up world can be made by the One who came to bring good news to those who need it and healing to the broken and freedom to the captive. The One who makes all things new. A righteous anger is one that groans for wrong to be made right, but ignites a passion for the coming of the One who can do that. It's not our job to make things right. We can't. It's not our job to fix it or control it. If anger inspires us to "do something about the situation," it's no longer a righteous anger, no matter how unrighteous the wrong that sparked it.

Righteous anger sets a fire withing us to serve and to intercede on behalf of the helpless, the broken and the captive.  Righteous anger is one that sees the wrong and takes it to God. Who sees the evil under and causing the wrong. It's easier to want to kill sex traffickers than to pray for them to be healed and set free. It makes sense to want to kill our enemies. They can't kill us if they're dead. But God longs for the restoration of our enemies as much as He does for our own. Let anger drive us to our knees on behalf of what is right in prayer for the broken and the captive and the helpless victims and victimizers rather than throw stones.

Even the greatest evil of all, the evil of death, will be eradicated and made right. At the moment death effects everything and everyone, sooner or later. Grief is a common source of anger. But grief can  cause us to remember that confidence that things will be made right because of one time when death was used for good. Jesus died to defeat death.  There is little that truly brings loss, sorrow and anger into our lives more than death and fear of death. It's is the ultimate root of what is wrong with creation and us. But there is an answer. There is One who can make it right. The creation will have its day. It will be made new and right, regardless. But we have a choice. Today if we are sick and tired of what is wrong with us and with the world, let it inspire us to surrender rather than fight. It is in surrender that we find freedom from wrong and the promise of rightness.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 19 ~ Dreading Discipline

"Quiet time". "Devotions". "Meditation, Study and Prayer," or whatever else it is or can be called is sometimes not easy. Just the very label we give it can drudge up feelings of dreariness and yes, even bondage. Really, what it amounts to is discipline, and we, well...I can't speak for you, I, yes, I hate it. Discipline feels like bondage. It feels like a have to, a must, a whether you want to or feel like it or not kind of thing. I hate those. Or at least I say I do.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 2But I discipline my body and bring it into [strict control]...
- I Corinthians 9:24-27

Paul in writing to the Corinthians reminds us that self discipline, training, is crucial. It's also something we'll do if we understand the cost and the goal. I have a friend who runs marathons. She trains for them and runs regularly, in al kinds of weather, when she feels good, and when she doesn't. I don't do that. I can fantasize about running a marathon, but the dream isn't even close to inspirational to me. I think, "That'd be so cool, and such an accomplishment." Then I think,, "That would hurt. and take a lot of time and energy." Then the fantasy dissipates like morning fog on a sunny day. Poof. It's just not worth it to me.

Definition of DISCIPLINE
1: punishment
2: obsolete : instruction
3: a field of study 
4: training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character 
5: a: control gained by enforcing obedience or order b: orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior c: self-control 
6: a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity 

 When I see or hear the word discipline I think punishment, pain and ugh. I think rules and instantly want to rebel. I think football practice with its exercises and running laps for messing up and why I quit football Discipline defined as instruction, free of  punishment implications, is now obsolete. But so are quite a few other English words used in Christianity. Justified is an example. Have any of us ever used that word outside of a religious context? I have never used, seen or heard it in any other context. But there was a time that no one would have said a man was found not guilty over saying justified. Why use three words when one would suffice?

Discipline is training, and more specifically, training that molds and perfects and corrects mental faculties and moral character. When I look at it like that, it's not as repulsive. Depending on the goal. Not going to start training for a marathon any time soon. But I'm going to work in a minute. I don't want to. I hurt so badly. I could barely get out of bed this morning, and Ibuprofen hasn't helped enough yet to enable me to stand straight. But I will go, because it's important enough to me to provide what I can for my family and I understand that if I lose or quit this job, there may not be another. If there was a physically easier job available to me today, I'd take it and quit. There's not. So I don't. It's become worth it to push through the pain and continue to work when at all able. That is also discipline and very different from who I was years ago..

Writing these Unshackle Moments is also discipline, but most days it doesn't feel like it. Most of the time it feels like something I want and long to do. It's a chance to serve. It's a way to give what I have been given. It is fulfilling. But there are other times when it's difficult, when I don't have the time or the words, and I have to push through or make time. That's where the discipline comes in. And the reason that it doesn't feel like discipline or training is because of the goal.

Even if we focus on the definitions that don't mention rules or punishment, discipline can still sound just too tiring and painful to be worth it. Training to improve moral character and mental faculties sounds about as much fun as getting up early, losing sleep, to go run in the cold and the rain to train to run for 26 miles. No thank you. But my friend loves it, and the race is not really the reason.  It's the book cover over the reason. Just as mental faulty and moral character are not the reason behind spiritual disciplines. That's like saying muscles and fitness are the goal of exercise. They're not. They are what leads to the goal, which is to look better, or live longer, or be able to compete in a certain sport. Moral character and mental faculty are tools like muscles that help maintain our relationship with Daddy.

If we aren't living as we should morally, it creates distance between us and our Creator and we find ourselves hiding in the bushes with Adam. And if our brain isn't working, we can't understand. That's pretty simple. But the training isn't the goal. The moral character isn't the goal. Being able to understand isn't the goal. Not of spiritual disciplines. Not of quiet time. The goal is to connect with God. In connecting with God is peace, joy and love. In connecting with God is power. In connecting with God is contentment, fulfillment and a life worth living. When we see the goal as those rewards, doing what it takes to get that and maintain it feels more worth it, doesn't it?

If someone legitimately offered me enough money to live on so that I could avoid the manual labor jobs and concentrate on ministry on the condition that I run a marathon by my birthday, which is in five months, I would start training and running today. It would then be worth it to me, and back pain and my knees blowing up like balloons and my feet blistering and hurting wouldn't stop me. I would change my diet as necessary. I wouldn't be stopped by schedule or weather. I would run the race, even if I had to crawl the last 20 miles. But for whatever my friend gets out of it? Not for me.

For the great joy and benefit of connecting with God, I can get up a little early, most days. I can stay up a little later. I can read. I can listen to music that helps me connect. I can do what it takes, whatever it takes. Because it no longer is about should dos. And it's not about rules or moral character. It's not about conforming or even measuring up. It's about getting to spend time with the one I love and pleasing Him. Why do you want to connect with God? When you find the right reason, it will inspire. Then simply do those things that make that all important goal obtainable and stop doing things that hinder. The discipline will take care of itself.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 18 ~ Joy In Pain

Now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 
- 1 Peter 1:6-9 

Some people have the mistaken idea that if a person has faith it separates them above the difficulties of life. They believe faith to be a magic talisman that provides a near perfect and idealistic Utopic life absent of pain. Not only is this idea contrary to scripture and erroneous, it is dangerous. Real Christianity not only doesn't mean attaining perfection in our walk or our circumstances this side of eternity, but it absolutely has nothing to do with a life free from struggle. It doesn't avoid or escape the problem of pain but rather deals with pain without pretense or illusion.

As Christians we can not avoid pain, but we can allow the struggles of our life to shape our hearts and lives into the men and women God has called us to be, to shine a brighter and more pure reflection of His grace and glory and to push into a closer and deeper relationship with The Comforter. It's not an easy life but one full of rich reminders of the providence of a loving God. The struggles cause us to long for our true home and to remember that this realm is not the end all or be all or where our answer and focus should be found. In times of pain, faith does not transport us from our difficulties and make everything negative disappear, but it can give us comfort, guidance and hope,

We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. 
- Romans 5:3-5

To rejoice in our suffering is not to rejoice because of what is wrong. It doesn't mean to pretend to be happy about the pain of a terminal illness or the loss of a loved one or even because the car won't start when you're already running late. It's about remembering that our joy is not to be found in the ease of circumstance or things going a certain way for us in this realm. It's about one day knowing that the struggles will end, the adversity will be overcome and something better is waiting. It's about remembering that what really matters is eternity and not the blink of an eye we sometimes get confused with life. It's about knowing and remembering that while we suffer, we do not suffer alone. Jesus is not only there with us, but weeps with us. He is one who is greatly moved, gut wrenchingly so, by what we are going through and the Holy Spirit has been sent to us to comfort us in these times of pain and sorrow.

Sometimes it's so important to learn that God is our only hope that we need those situations where we find ourselves with nothing else to lean on and nowhere else to turn. If we have some false hope of controlling things ourselves it slows the process of turning us to and surrendering us to a loving God who is not only an ever present source of help, but the only source of real aid.

Let us not be bound be our pain, our sorrow and our suffering and held captive due to our refusal to turn to God instead of away. Although it is natural and easy to get angry at God when things are hard, that is the easy reaction of a spoiled child. True peace, contentment and comfort is found in releasing the anger and turning to the One we would run from. Like a parent who says no to a child because the time is not right or the request would bring harm unforeseen to the little one or allows pain for the greater good (like shots or dental visits), our Daddy loves us, and if we are in pain, there is always something beautiful and better than can come of it than if we could avoid and escape it.

  Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 17 ~ Slaves Of Shame

You're only as sick as you're secrets.

I've seen this quote attributed to Christian author Rick Warren, but it's been floating around recovery rooms for a long, long time. It's Rick's about like God loves you as you are; not as you should be is mine. We heard the sayings, recognized the truth in them was powerful and repeated them. In the quote about God's love, it is a Brennan Manning original. In the quote about secrets, who knows. The important thing is the truth in them both, truth that can help set us free from bondage to shame.

Shame is  a horrible form of bondage. Conviction comes to cause us to see our need for forgiveness and the grace to walk free of the sin that we're being convicted of. Conviction is not about making us feel worthless, or unworthy or ashamed. If we realize that we have fallen short and strayed from God's will, we can run to Him and He will wrap us in His arms, clean us and strengthen us to begin again with the power to overcome the area(s) we stumbled in. That's how it is supposed to work.

But God's plan has a element beyond His control that affects the outcome and how well it works. If we run away instead of to God, conviction doesn't lead where it's supposed to. As we deny our guilt, shift the blame, try to hide it or try to distract away from it and cover it up, our convictions become secrets and are twisted into condemnation. Condemnation and judgement are not God's will nor are they from God, not in regards to God's children anyway.
Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus. - Romans 8:1

Our secrets shame becomes something other than what we did or do. It becomes who we are, or rather who we see ourselves to be. It's the voice in our head that argues against the truth of God. God says we are His children, highly valued, righteous and blameless, precious and called to a purpose, among other wonderful things. Our shame responds, no, I'm ugly inside, I'm a failure, I'm a sinner, I'm a horrible person, I'm....

Those negative definitions of ourselves do not come from God. They come from the things we have done and from the hidden places in our hearts. We can't hide anything in our heart anymore than Adam and Eve could hide their nakedness, but oh how we try.

The good news of freedom is that there is a cure for the sickness and self hatred caused by shame. Open up the dark places of our minds and hearts and past to the light of God's love and stop trying to hide and cover up those secret things we despise about ourselves and our actions. Expose them to the Father, willingly, and let His love wipe us clean. If that doesn't completely set us free, then we need to go further, Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. - James 5:16 Find someone who will simply listen as we expose our secrets to the light to be burnt away like fog in the sunshine, or will will respond with the truth of God's word rather than someone who will enable us to continue excusing, downplaying and dismissing and shifting responsibility.

Finally, we respond to reminders of the past that is no longer secret and has been dealt with according to God's word by recalling our forgiveness and rebuking the condemnation. Shame is an area of pride. It is an area where we have not surrendered our thoughts and beliefs to God's truth. God says we're forgiven and clean. To deny that, to live as if it were not true is the hubris of believing that our individual sin and shame is bigger and more powerful that Christ's work on the cross. That is simply not true. We not only don't have to live in shame as Christians, we can not totally surrender to God and continue to have our identity rooted in and bound to our shame. There is freedom, let us walk in it today and send shame fleeing from the truth and love of God.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 16 ~ Escaping Eeyore And Avoiding Tigger

When I was younger, Winnie-The-Pooh made a huge impact on me. I had a stuffed Pooh Bear that I carried around through my toddler to preschool years, and though he definitely shows signs of aging and wear, I still have him. He's in in my living room sitting on a cabinet next to an Ansel Adams coffee table book. I can look at that silly old bear and take a nostalgia roller coaster. Me and that bear were the start of a wild, and often frightening but ultimately good and worth it, ride.

The time period where I walked the world with a bear stuffed with fluff and a short while after I set him aside where the years of legend and myth, the years of joy. I don't remember them. Sometimes when I look at that bear I can catch the hint of memory like occasionally smelling the ghosts of my grandmother's perfume when I open the drawer of the dresser I inherited. I get a little jolt fof joy from the past, a skeleton of a memory of a time before, a time when I had joy.

This state of joyfulness that   I don't really remember well but have stories about is a blessed state that my father prays and believes I will one day return to. It sounds wonderful, but a bit like a mythical land to my war torn soul. Still, there is so much Biblical basis for a joy in the midst of sorrow, a joy that is a source of strength that I find myself on a search for this land of legend.

Back to Winnie-The-Pooh. Winnie-The-Pooh And Tigger Too was my favorite Disney tale as a child. I loved Tigger. I acted like in so much at times that "Tigger" became a nickname I was known by for years. But the truth is that I, and I suspect many others, have an easier time relating to Eeyore. Under every good things is a veil of sadness. Disappointment leads to an overwhelming sense of doom and gloom. If things go wrong, of course they did. How could we expect anything else. It's always bad, isn't it? Well, no. Here's something wonderful. What do you think Eeyore? I'm pretty sure it won't last, it will  break, the shine will fade. Yes, it's easy to identify with Eeyore, even as we long to feel like Tigger.

But Tigger had his own issues. Tigger made a mess of everything. Tigger's exuberance and hedonism and live for the fun and pleasure of the moment caused him and his friends so many problems. And that is the story of my life when it comes to living the bouncy, flouncy, trouncy, pouncey, fun, fun, fun lifestyle. It seemed like a fun and good idea at the time is a concept that usually means things went wrong and people got hurt. Tigger had happiness, but he didn't have joy, That's why he constantly chased the next bit of excitement, the latest distraction. He leapt without thinking because to think would force him to acknowledge that chasing joy is futile and that his antics were meaningless. At least Eeyore never caused others the hassles and frustrations that Tigger did. Maybe Eeyore was the better inspiration after all.

But Eeyore soaked in misery like a flower soaks in the sun. It may be easy to identify with, but it's no way to live. Tigger's constant pursuit of pleasure and happiness made a mess of things, and let's face it, people who are always chipper are annoying and feel fake. The Tiggers of the world are far less realistic than the Eeyores. The problem lies in the goal.

Through the eyes of the Winnnie-The-Pooh philosophy of life there are so few choices, and all fall short of ideal. We can go through life, refusing to think deeply or to see things as they are, to fill our head with stuffing rather than wisdom and truth. Silly old bear. We can make ourselves and others crazy trying to control everything and force order and perfection onto a broken and chaotic world like Rabbit. We can chase happiness and consequences be cursed like Tigger, finding pleasure before the inevitable pain, which we then try to escape through more pleasure. We can just resign ourselves to sadness and misery, living a life of gloom a la Eeyore. We can hide from the world and it's problems, living in constant fear of everything, because the world and its problems are so big. No thank you, Piglet. We can lose ourselves in taking care of family, like Kanga, refuse to grow up with Roo or become obsessed with work like Gopher. We can build ourselves up with false wisdom, relying on our mind to make sense of everything even as we spout nonsense like Owl.

But I dare say that none of these approaches to life lead to joy. There is a difference between happiness and joy. Being happy is fully dependent on circumstance. When the problems increase, happiness decreases. Fewer problems, more happiness. It's not a complicated ratio. But just staying  in the situation, accepting the misery, chasing distraction and escape, or focusing on figuring things out, family and friends or work or controlling the uncontrollable are not the solution. Joy is not effected by circumstance and can even be greater during times of struggle and trouble. Joy comes from finding rest in the presence of God.

Joy is more about remaining in the presence of Jesus than in avoiding troubles and difficulties. It's less about things being right and more about being right with Him. Understanding that we are valued and loved by God, regardless of the situations we face can bring an inner contentment in the midst of need and distress. Happiness is a state-of-mind and emotion that comes and goes, while joy is a condition of the heart that can be constant. Happiness is dependent and conditional, while joy is independent of situation and the material and unconditional. Because happiness is based on the temporal and how this world and life are affecting us. So is misery for that matter. But joy is based on the eternal and what we have that can never be taken away, lost, broken or destroyed. Joy is found in Jesus. It can exist in the midst of sorrow, accepting the sorrow of the moment but remembering the truth of God's love and the restoration to come. It doesn't have to cover or disguise sorrow, but can ease it while co-existing.

A person who truly has joy is not annoyingly chipper or fake. If the joy of the Lord is the strength and the fruit of spiritual health, then Jesus by default had great joy. He drew crowds, because  joy is a magnet. But He was also a man of great sorrow acquainted with grief. His heart broke with compassion and empathy. It was joy that got Him through the most agonizing time of His existence, the pain and rejection He endured on the cross. It gave Him an inner strength that couldn't be defeated and made Him someone a pleasure to be around.

Truthfully, I believe in this joy, but it remains a mystery to me. I do believe that the key is in forsaking the pursuit of pleasure and happiness and accepting rather than trying to escape sadness, sorrow and hard times. The solution to the joy question is Jesus. I do believe that it is only in pursuit of His presence can we find this joy and free ourselves from the doom and gloom as well as the messy mistakes of distraction. Let us pursue Him together and put Him to the test. Jesus never fails.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 15 ~ Break Every Chain

Others sat in darkness and gloom— prisoners in cruel chains— because they rebelled against God’s commands and despised the counsel of the Most High. He broke their spirits with hard labor; they stumbled, and there was no one to help. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and gloom and broke their chains apart. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His faithful love and His wonderful works for all humanity.
- Psalm 107:10-15

We all have flaws, character defects, attitude problems, thought patterns and habitual sins  that we don't like about ourselves. As Christians we are not who, where, what, how and hopefully why we used to be by a long shot. Many things on our own personal version of the list above have been eliminated or greatly reduced in frequency and or magnitude. But the list is still there. Because we have not yet received the full manifestation of our sanctification and restoration. Basically that means we're still not perfect. And we're not. We're not what we will be when we see Him, become like Him and are unhindered in our reflecting of His glory. But we're closer.

Once we were rebels, enemies of God and lovers of self. The results were chains and bondage, darkness and gloom. We were not only enemies but prisoners. Jesus released us from our prison and set us free, but we walked out shackled, wrapped in chains. Some chains became broken and fell off right away, Some lost some links and became smaller, less of a hindrance but remain today. And the result is heaviness. We bring a little of the darkness and gloom from the old prison of the past into the present freedom we live in today.

The chains don't feel lighter. But they are. If we  were to fill a five gallon bucket with water it would weigh about 40 pounds. I can lift that. It doesn't feel all that heavy. But if I had to hold it, without setting it down for 8 hours it would become an impossible weight to bear. It would hurt to hold it. Even if 2 ounces were removed every hour and it only weighed 32 pounds by the end, 20 % lighter, it would feel much heavier than when the experiment began.

So it is with sin. Some chains are removed, and as we walk with Jesus, others fall away or are reduced, factually becoming lighter, smaller, less of a problem. But the relative weight of them and our awareness of their heaviness becomes greater. It reminds us of how far we have to go to be fully and truly free. But the great news is that we can find rest in Him. We can access His strength. His grace is sufficient both to carry the weight that is not yet gone and to loosen more and more each day. The verses above show a great promise. We became prisoners. Prisoners to darkness and gloom. Prisoners to addictions and attitudes that beat us in punishment. Our torments were literally chained to us. But we cried out to God for help, and He saved us from our distress! He brought us into the light and transformed us from enemies to children of God! We have been redeemed! Then He broke our chains apart. Not some of the chains. Not most of the chains. All of them. Broken apart. He set the prisoners completely free.

If we are His, we can cling to this and remember that He is not yet finished with His work in us. He will break each and every chain, and eliminate all darkness and gloom before it's all over. And if the lighter weight we now carry has begun to be more than we can bear, we can still call out to Him in our distress and have the load lightened more. He will continue His work as we cry out to Him and surrender more and more to His hand. He does this freeing work because of His love and mercy toward all humanity, which means that if you are not yet His and the chains have not begun to be loosened, the call to freedom, the way of escape is before you. The door has been opened, the jailer has been defeated. Flee your cell and run to Jesus today. He will begin the work and break every chain.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 14 ~ Sorrowful Thanksgiving

This is the time of year when many focus on the aspect of Thanksgiving, and as we begin to review our blessings it's sometimes difficult not to bring up the other side of the  coin....Well, I have this in my life and that in my life and those and (but I don't have that, and I always wanted [fill in your own blank]. This sorrow can be hidden side of the Thanksgiving Season that we don't talk about. But sorrow can color a thankful heart. The two are not mutually exclusive.

The most beautiful sunsets are the ones with clouds in them.
Without the clouds the light doesn't get played with in such beautiful ways. Thanksgiving doesn't mean much without sorrow. Neither does joy. Joy and thanksgiving without hindrance are like the light of the sun reaching us on a cloudless day. Of course it's bright, there are no clouds. But when the light and glory of the sun burst through the clouds, when it not only overcomes the obstacles that it encounters but paints them and transforms them and makes them beautiful, we see the majesty and wonder of an awesome Master Artist, our Creator. Our breath stills as the heavens declare the glory of God. And when we see joy and thanksgiving burst  through the clouds of sorrow, pain, loss and dreams never realized they make the life of the thankful one more beautiful and awe inspiring than a majestic sunset. They paint the life with the glory of God.

Choosing to have a thankful heart does not disrespect or dismiss the just cause for sorrow in our lives. It does not diminish or make light of what we have been through, and it isn't about pretending the hard times never happened. It's about walking with God anyway, so that after suffering and even during suffering we continue to trust and follow God as the sun continues in its orbit no matter what storm may block it's light. It's about remembering that sooner or later every storm breaks, cloud banks thin, the light will break through. And the beauty of that light means more to us when it's been delayed or missing or must fight its way through the clouds, Oh wow, the sun! We say, after three days of rain. But after three days of sunshine we merely grumble as we search for our shades.

A thankful heart full of praise in the midst of sorrow and sadness is more beautiful to God than anything else we could bring to His altar, and it makes it possible for our lives to reflect His glory to others in a way that those who have not suffered loss can not. Even when we do not know what makes up the sadness and sorrow and loss someone has experienced, we can somehow sense a joy and thankful spirit that has been filtered with sorrow. It is more pure and beautiful.

So today and during this season of reflecting on being grateful for what we have, let us not shy away from acknowledging the losses and the never did haves in our lives. Let us not mistake acknowledging that it hasn't always gone our way and that some blessings are not and may never be ours with an ungrateful spirit. Let us not pretend but rather say
I do not have, I will not have, I have lost, but I know my Redeemer lives, the He loves me with an everlasting and unfailing love, and I am thankful even as I feel the ache of sorrow. 
Today, this season, and all the year, let us not dismiss or ignore sorrow, suffering and loss and push them out of our life to try to shine some false look at how wonderful life and God is; my life is great light, but let us shine our light through the clouds of our lives, not around them, and reflect the beauty of His love, comfort and joy in the midst of obstacles and difficulties. That is a true and meaningful sacrifice of praise. It's not a sacrifice if it has no cost. It doesn't give glory if it's easy.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 13 ~ Dealing With The Blues

Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet. He penned Lamentations, a book so full of woe and lament that even the title refleted it. Jeremiah wasn't a bullfrog, he was a blues man. I bet if he'd had a harmonica, he'd have wailed on that mouth harp into between the verses. Jeremiah understood what it meant to be depressed. Everything in his life was going wring. His country was falling apart and under attack, no one was listening to him, even his health was going down the drain. And in his depression, Jeremiah blamed God for all of it.

 He [God] has made my flesh and my skin waste away, and broken my bones.
-Lamentations 3:4

His whole world was caving in. He was in emotional, mental, spiritual and physical distress.The more he looked at his circumstances and the situation, the more depressed he got. Until he changed where he was looking.Instead of continuing to look at and struggle against the quicksand sucking him down and began to look to God.

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him'.

- Lamentations 3:21-24

"But this I call to mind..." The distress had plenty of cause. The situation really was as bleak as it seemed. Jeremiah had legitimate cause to be depressed. And he didn't play positive thinking games, trying to trick himself into accepting the unacceptable or that things weren't so bad after all. He turned His attention elsewhere. He didn't stick his head in the sand and pretend the problems didn't exist. He looked to the only One who could make a difference. He tore his gaze from the shifting sand and remembered the firm foundation of the Rock below.

He recalled and spoke five promises. When everything is wrong we can do the same. There's one for each finger on the hand we reach out to God with for help and in praise.

1.The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
2. His mercies never come to an end. 
3.They are new every morning.
4. Great is Thy faithfulness.
5. The Lord is my portion.

The sand didn't stop shifting beneath him. Everything didn't magically start going His way. The health and wealth and prosperity priests didn't throw him a parade and use him in promotional materials. The situation didn't change a bit, but his depression did. He had hope, hope that did not fail because it didn't have anything to do with the situation changing and everything to do in the faithful love of God.

Today when everything not only doesn't go our way, but seems to turn against us, let us recall to mind those five truths and promises. Let us turn our eyes from the problem to the Solution. Jesus is the answer, today and every day.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 12 ~ Caught In The Crushing Waves

Many pains come to the wicked, but the one who trusts in the Lord will have faithful love surrounding him.
- Psalm 32:10

Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.
- Romans 12:12

It's so easy to get discouraged these days. Sometimes the places God takes us and the situations He allows in our life just seem to overwhelm us. Life can feel as out of control as it truly is...out of our control anyway. We can feel like a swimmer in the ocean being pounded by the waves. Just when we reach the surface recovering from the last wave that pushed us under, here comes another wave before we can even catch a good breath. It seems like it takes all the energy we have not to drown or be swept out to sea.

We long to return to a sense of security and comfort in our circumstances. We want the chaos to stop so that we can feel like we're in control again. But in truth, the realization that the things happening to us, in us and around us are out of control is actually a good thing. The false sense of security we get when things are going good is really more dangerous than swimming in a turbulent sea.

Control is an illusion, and when we feel we are secure in ourselves and our situation we fail to realize the danger we are in from hidden rip tides. Only God is in control, and when He allows difficulties in our lives they always serve a purpose. Sometimes that purpose is to teach us to rely on Him and not our own strengths, wisdom, health or other assets. Sometimes it may be to show us an area where we are not yet as surrendered to Him as we should be or have strayed from His will. It may be something else entirely and have more to do with how what we are going through can shine a light for someone else and give God glory. But along with all of those and any other purposes that the stormy sea may serve, it always provides the opportunity to push us closer to Him.

When we feel overwhelmed and battered by the waves, we can always cry out to Jesus. His love is unfailing, and His grace is always sufficient. There will come a time when He will speak peace to the storm and calm the waves. There will be a time when all will be made right and we will be lifted from the water and restored. This may not come as quickly as we would like, but it will come. When everything is coming apart and overwhelming us, we can wail against the waves and shake an angry fist at the God who allowed the storm and set the tide in motion. This will allow us the energy of anger to keep up the futile fight, and we can continue to struggle until we drown in self-pity. Or we can let the current take us closer to the One who made the seas, who walks on the waters, and who has the power to save and restore. One choice brings life, no matter how high or hard the waves break. The other way is misery, exhaustion and eventual drowning. The choice is ours to make. It is the only control we truly posses.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Glory To Come

Dalyn Woodard returns to the  study on Romans and shares on the promise of glory. Who are those that are glorified, and what does it mean? The message, "The Glory To Come" is about 51 minutes long and was recorded at Nacogdoches Christian Fellowship on Wednesday, November 4, 2015. It's our prayer that you are blessed and ministered to as you listen. May God bless and keep you.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.