Saturday, February 17, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ February 17, 2018 ~ Joy That Brings Strength

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
February 19, 2015.

There are periods of our life when happiness just disappears, runs and hides and thwarts all our attempts to find it. In fact, the harder we try, the less happiness we seem to find or the more fleeting what we do find turns out to be. We fall into despair. Scriptures that say things like the joy of the Lord is our strength can make things feel even worse. If joy is my strength and I'm full of sorrow how am I supposed to get through this?

But happiness comes from the external, from our situation and circumstances. It is dependent upon what is happening in our lives. Joy is internal. It does not depend upon our outward anything. It is a response that comes from understanding the truth, the awesome, incredible, mind-blowing truth that we are loved by God. It is the joy of our natural response to such amazing love that gives us the strength to go through whatever we have to, even anguish and sorrow.

Hebrews 12:2 tells us that it was for the joy that was set before Him that Jesus was strengthened in the garden to get up, walk into His betrayal, take the beatings and endure the rejection, desertion and pain that came with the cross. Joy that brings strength that can't be shaken or destroyed by darkness comes from knowing we are loved by our Heavenly Daddy and can trust Him completely without reservation when we align our will with His.

Father, help me to know and understand Your love for me today, so that I have Your joy to empower me as I go through this day and all the ups and downs that may take place. Thank You for Your love that draws me to You and claims me as Your own. 

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