Friday, June 15, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ June 15, 2018 ~ Marching Backwards To Progress

Sometimes going backwards is progress. It's not usually easy, and it can be quite uncomfortable, perhaps even painful, but it is a truth we need to remind ourselves of. Many of us in recovery have made a motto out of the saying progress not perfection. It comes from an admonition not to become discouraged when we fall short of the spiritual principles of surrender, love and service. "Do not be discouraged. No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection."

This is an awesome truth based on the fact that Daddy loves us and is quick to forgive, that His mercies are new every morning, and that He will restore us and help us when we fall short. We can then forget what is behind and press on toward the goal. But there are times when it can be easy to fall into self-condemnation when progress seems to halt, or, even worse, to go backwards. If we let go of unhealthy perfectionism and make progress the goal, what happens when we can't even manage that or we begin to slide backwards? There are two times this might happen. The first, which is the conclusion we often assume all such regressions are, could mean that we have gotten off track and returned to a life ruled by self and marked by self will run riot. If that is the case, we need to be quick to repent, admit our wrong and surrender to the love, care and guidance of the Spirit in order to return to the right path before we go off a cliff to our destruction. It's important to note that said destruction is not a result of God's anger toward us but rather simply a result of reaping the consequences of our actions.

But there are times when the cause of going backwards isn't so clear. We might beat ourselves up trying to figure out what we did wrong or where we got off track. And the answer may be that we haven't. Sometimes a wound may have to wait to be treated until the rest of the body is well enough to stand the treatment. So the body heals, and the patient begins to feel better. Still, the underlying situation has not changed and must be addressed. When doctors are then able to treat the problem the physical recovery may appear to be failing. It certainly feels and looks worse than it was. But the end result is wholeness and more complete healing.

The same is true for us spiritually. There are wounds within us that we can not handle messing with when we first surrender to God's care. His love and grace gives us relief from the symptoms as the rest of our soul is restored. As our relationship with Him becomes deeper and our restoration strengthens us, it becomes time to go back and get that old problem taken care of so that our growth and health might continue. Often we know it's time to begin this work when symptoms of old spiritual, mental and emotional sickness come to the surface. It feels wrong. Why am I having this problem? I thought those days were over and this was behind me! What did I do wrong? Where did I get outside of God's will? It could be as simple as the spiritual symptom blocker has been removed like the stone being rolled from away the grave. When it happens we smell the stench that has been there all along. It feels like regression, but in truth it is still progress. The problem is no longer buried, covered up or pushed to the side. This is a good thing, because now it can be dealt with and we can be brought to a place of true healing and wholeness in that area.

Don't beat yourself up at those times. Don't think that you've gotten sick again. You didn't. You were still sick and didn't realize it. Now the sickness can be treated. Don't be discouraged. Daddy knows that now you are ready to let Him do the work to make you whole. It's not the mark of weakness and failure. Instead it's a sign that you've grown spiritually healthy enough to be able to work on the deeper issues.

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