Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ May 8, 2019 ~ Better Is Good, But Good Is Best

Today is Mother's Day. I walked into the building before church and my mom saw the Wizard Of Oz tie I chose today, thinking of her. She loves that film. Over the past several years my mom has a smile that reaches her eyes when she she sees me, and that is awesome to me. It wasn't always that way, not due to any lack of love or care on her end, but simply because it's hard to smile a real smile at the arrival of someone dying, especially someone you love and someone who is causing the death themselves. Yes, it's better. A lot better. And it's a miracle I'm very grateful for.

I'm not as good as I want to be, but I'm so much better than I was. I am a huge believer in and a fan of the concept of progress not perfection. My relationship with God is so much better than it was, but it's not all it can be. My relationship with my wife is wonderful, but I know by how much better that it continues to get that it can always be better. My family bonds are stronger, and I don't think any of them worry anymore about waking up to the call that I've finally drank or drugged myself to death. Every aspect of my life is better, and it could all be better still.

Progress not perfection reminds us that transformation is a process. That God is changing us from glory to glory and not yet in the twinkling of an eye, which won't occur on this side of eternity. It helps us to remain grateful for the change that has happened and protects us from condemnation when we fall short. There is mercy and forgiveness and grace available to all of us. We are moving in the right direction. And that's great.

But let us not grow complacent. Let us strive to always keep moving. Better is good, but good is best. Better than it was yesterday is all we need for today, but even better than that is the goal to set ourselves up for by striving to do good today. Progress means better that I was, further along than I was, closer to God than I was yesterday, an hour ago, a minute ago, not six years ago. The difference between now and my days before recovery are night and day, But I can't just look at that if I want to keep moving toward fulfilling the good and perfect will of God. Am I closer than my best day last week? If not, why not?

The key is to keep pursuing contact and relationship with Daddy. Be satisfied with better, but aim for good. Don't aim for better and then have to be satisfied with better than the hell it used to be. With the relationship with Daddy always getting better, with us always growing closer to Him, every aspect of our lives improves as well. Better is good, but good is best.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
May 8, 2016.

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