Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ February 21, 201 ~ Understanding God

Today I want to share a few more thoughts on yesterday's topic of the God of our understanding. Regardless of whether or not we are taking a 12-Step approach to spirituality or not, if we seek relationship with God for whatever reason, from foxhole 911 I need someone to get me out of this mess to something's missing and nothing I am doing is filling it long or without backlash of consequence, we run into the God of our understanding concept quickly. First we come to believe that there is something greater, there is a Creator, a Lord, a God, and we begin to believe that He can restore us and give us life, specifically life worth living. Then we choose to turn our will and our life over to Him and His care.

Now, in step work these are the second and third steps, and they are clear cut and spelled out for people who may have no concept of God or who may have fled religion. We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Made a decision to turn our will and our life over to the care of God, as we understand Him. Those who do not explore the steps may never think of their relationship with God as one with a God of their understanding, and that is in large part what I addressed yesterday. But for those who may have begun their approach to God through step work and programs of recovery or who listened to folks like me who said that even non-addict Christians could greatly improve their spiritual life and discipleship by exploring Christian spirituality through the filter of the 12-Steps, I want to address something more on this concept of understanding God.

And that's just it. We don't understand God, not fully or completely or unhindered, and we aren't called to in Christianity nor told we should, could or would by the different 12-Step programs. Paul said, When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known - I Corinthians 13:11-12.

Some of us are control freaks, and before we can begin a relationship with God, we want to figure Him out, we want to understand Him. We read the steps, and what we see is not the God as we understand Him but rather we came to believe that a God we understand can restore us.... Some of the best advice I've heard on the issue of God for people in the beginning of the journey is that you don't need to stop or postpone the journey trying to get a grip on the whole God thing at the start.

Now I know that some Christians will become quite upset with me for saying such things. They would want a firm foundation built and the person given all the pertinent information about Jesus from the start. They think to do less is to fail the great commission to go and make disciples. But they're wrong. Long before and way more often than Jesus said to go and make disciples He told us to deny self and follow Him in service, to love and to be the flavor in someone's life and the light that pierces their darkness by loving as He loved. It is that foundation of loving that supports discipleship. If we don't start there, we don't build disciples in relationship with Jesus who love and serve as He did, we build little religious clones who become a stumbling block for the hurting and the broken and the marginalized who need help and a solution.

The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.
- Brennan Manning

For those of us who have found the solution, we need to remember that it is attraction rather than promotion. I'm not saying there is not a time or calling to evangelize. Obviously I like and believe in telling people about Jesus. I'm saying that Jesus said if He is lifted up HE, not us, will draw the world to Him. Draw. Not drive. He will attract those who need Him like a flame attracts a moth and draws it in. If we shine the love and light of Christ in our actions, people will be interested in and find it easy to believe the words we say when we speak of that love and light not being us but the grace and love of Christ in us and available to them as well.

But for those who haven't found that solution yet, don't worry about understanding. Now, I am not saying turn your brain off or never worry about understanding. Goodness, please don't do that. God gave you a brain and the ability to reason and deduce and evaluate. Use it. But you can spend years trying to figure God out and barely scratch the surface. There is no point in holding on to the misery in the meantime, no point in staying in the danger zone of death and destruction. This is about finding a real relationship that will also change your life, not about changing your life and then finding a relationship. Understanding a person is much easier as a process than through investigation. When you become friends with someone and spend time with them and get closer to them, you begin to understand them more and more. I would suggest this is the easiest and best way to get to the point of beginning to understand God.

Even if you are leery or doubtful at first, Give God a chance to be your friend. Jesus said He is a friend who is closer than a brother. He is a friend to the friendless. He wants to be your friend and more. As you get to know Him, you'll start to understand Him. That's the way it works. Sorry, but if you wait until you understand Him, you'll never get to know Him. And this I say with full confidence from observation and experience, if you get to know Him, and I said know Him, not know religion or know others trying to walk the journey themselves but Him, once you enter into a personal relationship with the God who loves you and desires relationship with you and wants to heal, restore and free you to be the best you that you could ever be, the perfect and unique reflection of His glory, you will never be sorry that you did. You will never regret getting to know this Jesus guy.

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