Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ March 1, 2017 ~ Wasted Gold?

Yesterday as I read through some of Exodus, I came to and read the passage describing God's directions for building the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25). I have no idea how many times that I have read this before, and like yesterday, just went on to the next passage. But this morning, as I sat in a sanctuary with others preparing to receive ashes, my mind wondered back to this reading from yesterday. I have always felt that descriptions of the Ark were somewhat interesting, but also a bit unnecessary. Other than perhaps showing the historical truth of the Scriptures, I have never understood why some of the descriptions and details of this and other things were included in the Old Testament. I mean, does it really matter to my walk with God today how big the temporary temple was or what the Ark was made of and looked like? Does it matter to your walk, Dear Reader?

Well, actually it just might. Second Timothy tells us that all Scripture is good for teaching, and these pointless descriptions of artifacts long gone are no exception. This morning I couldn't help but realize that this is a beautiful example of the truth that God doesn't change. It is also an important reminder to me of truth about how I am to be before God and others. Not look, but be.

The Ark of the Covenant, also called the Mercy Seat, served as a reminder of the covenant and relationship between God and His people. It also served as the metaphorical Throne of God. It was a box, with a lid, and it contained the commandments God gave Moses. And here is what hit me this morning. How odd that a box that basically wasn't to be touched or opened after the initial process was inlaid with gold. Seriously, what's the point of covering the inside of the box with gold, like the outside, when no one would ever see it?

From the first sign of covenant, God showed how His ways are different than ours. The inside matters He said. It's just as important as the outside. It doesn't matter if anyone can see it or not, He can, and the inside must be given the same priority, care and value as the outer appearance. And Jesus taught the same truth.

Today, as we reflect on our relationship with God, our need for His grace to walk with Him and deny self, and perhaps even taking upon our body the mark of ashes, let us remember that for us, the  Throne of God and the seat of His mercy is out heart. While people see our outer appearance and attitudes, God sees it all. Even if no one else can see what's going on inside us and our motives and secrets, He can. It's good for out outer appearance to reflect a love for and the love of Jesus to others, but that is no less important than our inner chamber reflecting that same love. It's not about the ashes or the Christian T-shirts and bumper stickers, or pretending to care for others or even the smile on our face. It's about the pure gold of God's love covering us inside and out.

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