Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ March 21, 2017 ~ Happy Are The Desert Dwellers

In yesterday's Unshackled Moment. The Divine Desert, I shared some of my story and the importance of the wilderness experience to our life and relationship with God. There is more to the desert that I want to share though, and a couple of things about the desert experience that want to make sure I express. The first is that the desert and the wilderness are a time of blessing.

I mean it, but even I don't think take me into the desperation, pain, loneliness and need, the suffering and dependency of the desert when I think of how I'd like to be blessed. When we think of blessing, we tend to think of things that make us comfortable, make us feel secure, and give us pleasure. It's a blessing if we like it. I'd like to be blessed by finding the winning lottery ticket on the ground the same day I receive a full pardon and my back and eyes are both completely healed while my wife is being healed of MS at the same time. That would have me shouting for joy.

But the word that Jesus used in the Sermon on the Mount, where He gave a pretty good list of those who are blessed, describes a happiness that comes from finding our purpose and fulfillment in God. So I'm not saying that if the car is running and has gas in it, if there is a house and the roof doesn't leak and the fridge is full that you haven't been blessed. That is blessing. But it can also be a blessing to have the house blown away, the car broken down and the stomach empty for so long it thinks your throat's been cut. I know we don't like to think about that, and it doesn't make sense to our materialistic and hedonistic nature, but it is true.

Jesus said happy, seriously joyful and happy, are those that experience desperation of need so great they are impoverished and poor. When they find their fulfillment in and realize that what they really need is relationship with God they will be a part of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom will be evident in their life.

Happy are those that mourn because in finding their need met in God they will experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Happy are those whose purpose is to submit their power to the use of God, like a war horse submits to the rider and becomes more effective against the enemy, which is what the word translated as meek means in the Greek, so happy are the submitted to God, for they will inherit from God.

Happy are those whose purpose is relationship with God to such an extent that they are starving and dying of thirst to consume only the things of God and what is right, because they will be filled (not filled with food and riches and health but filled with the goodness of grace and deep, tangible relationship with Daddy).

Happy are the ones with such a relationship with Daddy that they realize that no matter how bad life has been it isn't as bad as they deserve under the rule of perfection is the only passing grade and that they have received mercy. They in turn are able to extend mercy as they have received, and will continue to receive mercy.

Happy are the ones whose fulfillment is so derived from relationship with God that their motivations for everything become to love God and love others, purity of heart. They will see God.

Happy are those who find the sovereignty of God their purpose and have no drive to stand up for, to demand, to fight for their rights and therefore can be instruments of peace. They will be children of God and will have Daddy's trait of being able to love even their enemy and give life to those who don't deserve it.

Finally, happy and joyful are those who are so close to Daddy and have their whole life wrapped up in that relationship to such an extent that they are persecuted, rejected and abused, for no longer being a part of and no longer fitting in to the world and the culture of humanity. They are different. They are like Jesus to such an extent that they are treated like Jesus was treated. They get the kingdom too, and their heavenly reward will be great.

The Kingdom of God reigning and evident in my life, in your life, knowing and experiencing the personal comforting touch of God, being joint heirs with Christ, inheriting from Daddy, being filled and no longer empty, able to see God, receiving mercy and greatly, eternally rewarded. That sounds awesome to me. But it doesn't say anything about having enough to pay our bills, a nice return on our investments, running and nice cars, dream houses, nice clothes, plenty of food, etc. The list of things that make us eligible for all that blessing include need, desperate impoverishment, being broken and submissive as a stallion who is no longer wild and free but ridden and controlled to the point of death in battle, persecuted, abused and rejected, seeing enemies receive mercy and not fighting for what is your right. Tough times. Times where we starve if the manna doesn't fall rather than the overflowing and easy pickings of plenty.

These are the times of suffering that feel like deserts to me. When I am stuck at the house because my wife has our only transportation (and it's borrowed), so that I have to plan ahead and take her to work or borrow something else to go minister to anyone during the week. When I hurt physically, mentally and emotionally and mourn lack, loss and decrease in life. When justice is not mine and I am not treated rightly. When I don't fit in and am not accepted. When I can not provide financially, and when my motorcycle is parked on a beautiful first day of Spring because I can't afford a battery. When I am weak, and when very little in my life looks at all like what the prosperity people call being blessed.

During all those desert times, I am driven deeper into relationship with God.  The desert brings us to that place where nothing is left, nothing grows, that is not found in God. Our very life, our purpose and our fulfillment comes from relationship with Daddy and nothing else because the other things are gone. According to Jesus, that is what it means to be blessed, that is the place where our happiness and joy are really found and where our circumstances can't kill them.

I know this has gotten long, so I'll stop here for today. Lord willing, we will look at the benefits of the desert decrease tomorrow. Be blessed, Dear Reader, and may your life be full of the richness and fullness of relationship with Daddy, whether that is found resting and at ease at the oasis or struggling through the shifting sands of the desert.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments, the weekly Unshackled Echo and or listens to the Audio Messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them on social media, commented on the blog or replied to an email subscription. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions and sermons to more people by sharing this? Hitting the share button or forwarding this to a friend will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

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