But that kind of prayer is relational communication. And yes, we should take our needs and our wants to Daddy. Some of us get stuck in the only praying the will of God idea so much that we won't pray for what we need and would like. But that's not scriptural. It is the will of God that you take your needs to Daddy. Now, when we do, or when they're wants more than needs, we need to understand that we are asking not demanding. So, it's not God fix this, fix it such and such a way and do it now. It's Daddy will You help me? Daddy will You give me this? And if the answer is no, then it becomes Daddy help me not to act like a brat when I don't get my way and help me to see that Your no is actually what is best and for my benefit and Your glory and bring me in to a deeper relationship with You and a greater understanding of Your love and care for me. But no, I'm not saying stop asking God to help us.
We need to remember always that we are powerless without God and without Him we can do nothing to free ourselves or keep ourselves free, nor can we love God and others as we should. We can not be rid of self by the power of our self. That doesn't mean however that we have no part to play. This is where we need to stop praying and start acting. Grace is God's power for us to use, even though we don't deserve it. It is God doing for us what we can not do for ourselves. One thing it is not is God doing for us what we can do for ourselves.
There are two ways, at least, that we seriously need to stop praying. The first is acting like surrender and admitting powerlessness makes us invalids. I have said that God is a stretcher and not a crutch because we can't even limp our way into freedom and heaven without Him. I stand by that. But I also said He loves us enough not to leave us the mess we are. We start on the stretcher, but we walk with Jesus because He makes the lame to walk. He doesn't carry us like we stay invalids. He empowers us to walk with Him. You can get on your knees and pray for God to feed you until you starve to death or you can get up, walk into the kitchen and fix yourself a sandwich.
Please understand what I am saying. I am not saying God doesn't care for our needs. If we can't, He can. But God isn't going to miraculously part waters to help us cross when there is already a bridge. I have a electric weed eater. Without power it is worthless. It can't accomplish anything. But when it is plugged in to a power source, it cuts grass like it was intended to. The power doesn't cut the grass. We can not do or be what we were created without being plugged in to, connected to our Creator, without the power of the Spirit. But once we are plugged in we we have the power to do what we are called to do. So let's stop praying for God to feed us when our fridge is full because of His grace. Let's stop praying for God to carry us when He has enabled us to walk.
And the other prayer we need to eliminate from our life is the selfish prayer. No, I am not contradicting myself. I'm not talking about asking God for what we need and desire when I say selfish prayer. I'm talking about hiding behind spirituality and religion to cover up that we are selfish and unwilling to love and serve others. I pass someone on the street who is obviously hungry and begging for food, and I pray, God help them while I have enough money in my pocket to buy them groceries, that's trying to alleviate my conscious by pretending I did something while acting selfishly. I have three hours of free time that I plan to spend reading and someone asks me to pray that they are able to finish removing a fallen tree so their roof can be repaired before the rains fall and I respond by telling them I'll pray that they are able to get it all done instead of by saying I have three hours free; I can come over and help you. Instead of going and loving and serving we ask God to send someone else or miraculously provide what we could give. That's selfish prayer that we need to stop.
Love God and love others. Those are the rules. Those are the only rules we have to live by. We can't do that without grace,without His power. But by His power we can and should do it. It's not loving to selfishly ask Daddy to do for us what He has given us the power and resources to do for ourselves, and it is not loving to selfishly ask Daddy to do for others but to help them by using someone else or miraculously doing what He has given us the power and resources to do for them. If we don't have the power or resources to help, we don't have it. But when we do, I'm pretty sure Daddy would love to see us just respond to the situation with love and service rather than praying about if we should help, love, serve or if someone else should.
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