Friday, October 6, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ October 6, 2017 ~ Saints Playing Charades

Sunday morning my coon hound decided I shouldn't sleep in. I don't normally have a problem sleeping though his baying unless he is barking as I try to fall asleep. This past Sunday, however, he woke me, and within a few minutes I knew I wasn't going to return to slumber mode. So, I got up and did my devotions early.

After I finished, I pulled up the early morning New Orleans Saints game. They were playing in London, and the game began at 8:30 AM my time. I had no intention of getting up early to watch it, but since I was already up, I decided to catch what I could of the game before church. I missed the beginning, because I wasn't putting football on until I spent my morning time with Daddy, When I did put it on, I saw the backup quarterback running part way onto the field and playing charades with Drew Brees, the Saints' quarterback. The commentators joked about it and explained the coach to QB helmet communication system was down. So Brees couldn't hear the plays Coach Payton wanted run.

Both teams suffered, but it was the Saints, my favorite NFC team, that seemed to be having the most trouble. Either they were unprepared for the possibility of losing the headsets and had not practiced calling plays through hand signals, or they were being drama queens, making a point of showing how inconvenienced they were, since their headsets were working. The Dolphins were the ones whose system had not been working, causing the NFL to shut both teams' systems down to keep the playing field level.

My first thought was they're all spoiled. It hasn't been that long since backup quarterbacks across the league could been seen sending in signals through hand gestures on the sidelines of every game. This isn't even way back in the ancient days of my youth when Landry was the only coach that mattered and you only had to remember one quarterback's name, Staubach, that I'm talking about. Although in fairness, it has been about 23 years, which seems not so long ago to me, but is most of my stepson's life. So, yeah, they've been using radio to talk to the quarterback for a while now, but still, Murphy's Law should have them ready with the hand signals just in case.

Then I thought about some college football I watched this weekend where the quarterback struggled to hear the play calling, not because the headset wasn't working, but because the crowd noise was so loud that it interfered. This is a problem I am familiar with from riding my motorcycle with ear buds playing music or an audiobook inside my helmet. Most times I can hear over the wind and road noise fine, then along comes a loud truck, and I lose the ability to hear what's right there in my ear until there is more distance between the vehicle drowning out what I'm listening to and me. So, since noise can interfere, shouldn't they be prepared with something that works, even if they weren't expecting to have problems with the system?

The thought that came on the heels of that last one had something to do with being grateful that I am not held to the same standard spiritually that I criticized these teams over. I sat in my comfortable chair and cut them apart, not that they knew or cared what I thought about it, over their lack of preparedness and being unable to function without their audio. No, I was not being very gracious. And I receive grace in this area frequently. Thank God, because I need it. No, not the area of sports and games. But I don't function well at all when, because of a system problem or noise interference, I can't hear what the Shot Caller is telling me to do. I have proven time and time again that I am not qualified to call my own plays in the game of life. Whenever I try to play coach, I don't just lose, I get obliterated. People have to carry me off the field and the game gets cancelled out of mercy because the score is like 100-0. It's ugly.

Oh how I need the voice of the Spirit with me every moment, reminding me how to face the opposition and obstacles, how to treat others, both my teammates and those on the other side of scrimmage, helping me to remember that folks are watching and how I play and what I do reflects the Coach in their eyes. I can give Him glory, or I can make Him look bad. What to do next, how to react to this new situation, the best way to work with those around me, and so much more are things that all come to me from the outside, or rather the inside but not my brain. I surrendered my life and will to His care, and now He's in control. Life is so much better when He is the director and I remember I am but a lowly actor doing and saying what I'm directed to. When He's the coach and I simply run the plays He calls. When He is Daddy and I am aware of being a child in need of parenting.

But there are times that the Daddy-to-heart communication system leaves me struggling. There are so many possibilities that you would think that I should be prepared and always asking myself what to do if....kind of like defensive driving for the spirit. Sometimes I have a thought, an ingenious idea for a play that will be awesome, and so I ignore the voice of the Spirit calling Daddy's play. My play usually flops and often draws a penalty as well. Sometimes the noise of life, the screaming of my circumstances and the echoes of my own fears drown out the still small voice and I am not sure what He said. Sometimes I am not paying enough attention, and what I think He said is not what He said. Sometimes my spirit needs to be repaired and relationship reestablished before I can hear because my rebellion and refusal to do things His way has caused distance and damaged our connection.

The point is that sometimes I don't hear the Spirit guide and direct and comfort and teach and.....the way I should or would like. And when I don't, I need to fix that issue immediately. I need to put the game on hold until the helmet of salvation is working right. When that isn't possible, I need to have faith that He is going to correct the issue and just keep running what He has already called until communication is restored. If something else comes up where I have to call a shot myself, then, and this is where it gets tricky, I must use my brain and the wisdom that Daddy has given me to avoid my own selfish thinking and test every possible play I come up with against His playbook. Is this Daddy's style? Is it loving? Is it right? Will it draw others to Him and give Him glory or just shine the light on me? There are things we can do when we can't hear the Spirit as well as we'd like. But if we aren't careful and slow down a little during those times we are liable to look more foolish than people playing  charades on a football field.

And yes, the best thing we can do is prepare. Know in advance there are going to be times when the signal is down, garbled or simply hard to hear. It's going to happen. So be ready for it. How? Get close to the Coach. Spend so much time with Daddy that He rubs off on you. Talk to Him, listen to Him, study His playbook, and talk about Him and His nature and ways with other players on the team. So, when the time comes that we may not be hearing, we can still examine the options through His eyes. We have become like Him enough to know how He would have us act and react. We may not always know what Daddy's will is, but we can have some pretty good ideas about plays that would never be in His playback. We know what His will is not. It's not for us to be selfish. It's not unloving. The means are the miracle that produces the ends, and doing what's wrong for a good reason is never right.

Today, let us listen closely for the the voice of the Spirit calling the shots. Let us spend time with Daddy so that we recognize His voice and get to know Him and the way He likes to play the game, the plays He calls and the love He gives. Let us imitate our Big Brother and love like Jesus, serve like Jesus and give like Jesus. Let us remember that it is only because of God's great love for us and gift of grace to us that this is possible. And if we can not hear, if possible, stop right then and there, seeking to establish and renew communication and awareness of His love and presence through prayer and meditation. Wait. Wait. Wait upon the Lord. Don't move without direction. But when that is not possible, make your choices based on His choices and will and what you do know of His methods and His love, trusting Him to keep you, to establish you, and to work even your mistakes to good for your benefit and His glory. Play armchair quarterback all you want, but leave the coaching and play calling to Daddy.

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