Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ April 11, 2018 ~ Facing Injustice

Whether it comes from turning on the news or scrolling through social media and seeing the horrors happening in the world, finding health failing or receiving a frightening diagnosis, losing a job when your performance was good, being taken advantage of or someone lying about you, or being judged by past mistakes instead of present success, or something else, injustice is all around us. Life isn't fair, and it often just isn't right.This truth can often lead to heartache and fear and make it difficult to trust Daddy. It can make us cry out like the Psalmist, how long Oh Lord will you let them prevail against me, let them mock me and slander me, let the evil prosper and the righteous despair? How do we handle injustice?

One thing I know is that I have done some evil things in my life. I have harmed others and brought destruction into the lives of friends and foes and strangers alike. I have done grievous wrongs for which I will never face judgment or the King's justice for because Jesus took my place of punishment and bore the condemnation of my sin. When we realize the great grace by which we have been spared what we deserve it settles the question of whether or not God cares about the injustice in our life. But that doesn't always take away the pain, the fear or the urge to rise up and defend or retaliate. There are ways that we can handle injustice in a Godly manner though, and Jesus, who experienced injustice in a way that we never will, gave us the model as He went through the last days of His life under the weight or horrible unfairness and attack.

The first way to handle injustice, from the example of Jesus, is to let others speak in your defense. Don't try to defend yourself. It usually just makes things worse. When being questioned by law enforcement people are encouraged to get a lawyer, especially when innocent, because  fear, anger and emotion can cause those trying to explain and defend themselves to look even more guilty and  things can be twisted. Emotion and righteous anger can cause us to lash out in retaliation, making us fall into evil ourselves and only exasperate and escalate the problem. What started as a small thing no one believed in the first place can quickly become a destructive feud damaging many. Jesus didn't defend Himself. When questioned Jesus said I have done what I have done openly, if you want to know what I said and what I did and who follows me, ask them. And what if others don't rise to your defense?

How I love you, Lord! You are my defender. The Lord is my protector; he is my strong fortress. My God is my protection, and with him I am safe. He protects me like a shield; he defends me and keeps me safe. I call to the Lord, and he saves me from my enemies. Praise the Lord! The danger of death was all around me; the waves of destruction rolled over me. The danger of death was around me, and the grave set its trap for me. In my trouble I called to the Lord; I called to my God for help. In his temple he heard my voice; he listened to my cry for help.
- Psalm 18:1-6

Yes, Jesus seemed undefended as He faced the slander and false testimony, but in the end He was given victory over their lies and over all the tried to do to Him, even death. And while we don't resist evil with evil, and we don't have to retaliate, we can and should set boundaries. We should let the Spirit guide us about how much injustice we accept and when we say this is not acceptable. But even when the line is reached, we don't  have to retaliate. When Jesus is physically struck during questioning, He doesn't do what we might expect from His teaching. He doesn't turn His head and offer the other cheek. But He also doesn't use His power to retaliate. The man who hit Him doesn't drop dead for daring to strike God. Jesus says if I spoke wrong, tell me my wrong, but  if I didn't, then why do you hit Me? There may be times when we have to say enough. If this continues I can't work here anymore. I can't participate in this any longer, or talk about this any more. I can't remain in this situation, so I need to step back from this relationship as long as this is continuing. It's not responding in anger or in kind, but it is setting boundaries about what we will participate in.

Often the best response is no response. Silent endurance under control of the Spirit. We don't have to answer every text, respond to every voice mail, blaze back on social media, argue back against every rant or accusation. Let others rant and rail and look the fool. give them their say and let it sit. It may be that they come to their senses later and realize they were wrong, and when you have remained under the control of the Spirit, your lack of response may be what displays grace and love that draws them to Daddy. It may be that our refusal to engage allows the Spirit to take us where we need to go so that God's purpose may ultimately be fulfilled. When Pilate asked about the charges against Jesus, the Pharisees answered and Jesus silently endured. Pilate found no fault in Him, and although He still went through the ringer of the cross, He was victorious and vindicated in the end, and God's purpose was fulfilled. Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself (Proverbs 26:4).

Understand the source of the issue. Get to the bottom of what is going on. When Pilate asked Jesus if He was the king of the Jews, Jesus asked if He wanted to know for himself or was he just repeating what he heard. Do you really think I am not doing my job or are you listening to what someone else is saying? Do you really think this is true about me or are you trusting a questionable source?

Focus on the eternal not on the moment. Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world or my followers would rise up. Remember that what is happening now is not forever. Injustice today does  not mean injustice for always. Does what is going on now effect me on an eternal scale or does it fall under what will all be made right in the end? I'm not going to fight over this. What is happening now is not what matters. What matters is my relationship with Daddy and what will happen in the eternal realm.

Finally, remember your true identity. Our identity is not defined by what others say or  think about you or how people perceive or treat you. It is based on who you are in Jesus and who Daddy says you are. Your boss or someone mistreats you and acts like you are worthless. It doesn't have to be defended because it doesn't change who  you really are. Someone's lies about you don't change your value or define you. You are a child of God, so valued that Jesus died for you and the Spirit sealed you to God. Nothing anyone does or says, not even you, can separate you from Daddy's love, so  there is no reason to fear the injustice you are facing.

Today, when we face injustice let us not be afraid. Let us not respond in kind. But let us submit to the will and control of the Spirit and let God be our refuge and our strength. When we do this, we don't have to worry about being taken back into bondage and slipping back into our old, natural ways, only escalating the problem and increasing the damage. Instead we can be brought closer to Daddy, and His power, glory, and way of life can shine brightly.

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