Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ September 12, 2008 ~ You Can't Swim That Far

Imagine, if you will, that you are on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic about 1000 miles from land and the ship begins to sink. Now what? Are you getting on the radio and calling for help? Are you making ready one of the life boats? It really doesn't matter what you do at that point, you're in need of help. No one would argue that. I can't imagine even the world's greatest swimmer saying,, "No problem. I'll just swim it," as they dive into the ocean.

We all know that no matter how good of a swimmer you are, no matter how strong and determined or how much endurance you have, you can not swim 1000 miles in the ocean. You might last longer than the person who can't swim at all, but essentially you're in the same position. The non-swimmer and the great swimmer and everyone in between are dead without help in that situation..

What is true in the above illustration is also true for us spiritually. None of us can make it on our own. None of us can save ourselves. None of us are good enough, right enough, strong enough to make it from the sinking ship of life to the shores of heaven without help. Adrian Rogers has put it; this way,"There is no one so bad he cannot be saved, and no one so good he need not be saved." If our response to the idea that we need to have a relationship with Jesus is that we're OK because we're pretty good people, then we are in trouble. You may be the best person in the world. You may make Billy Graham and Mother Theresa look like criminals. But you're not good enough to do it on you own.

That's sad and scary if it stops there. The situation is hopeless. We're on a sinking ship too far from safety to swim. But the good news is that the rescue has already been sent out. Those who can't swim and know that are in no worse situation than those who can, because they are the ones who are helped first. Because before we can be saved we have to realize that we need to be saved, that we can't do it. If you think you're the worst person who ever lived, the Rescuer loves you and wants to save you from drowning in the sea of sin. And if you think you're the best person, the strongest spiritual swimmer, the Rescuer also loves you and wants to save you. As soon as you tire of the struggle and realize you can't make it, cry out for His help, He will lift you from the water and bring you to safety. And for the rest of us, who fall somewhere in the middle, we no longer have to wonder if we're good enough, strong enough or anything enough. We no longer have to try to be. We, like the exhausted strong and good and the helpless weak and horrible can simply accept the help that is freely offered in the work of Christ on our behalf.

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