Friday, September 7, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ September 7, 2018 ~ Testing The Message Within

The theme of my message, "Follow The Yellow Brick Road," this past Wednesday evening centered on testing the spirits behind the messages we read and hear, from 1 John 4: 1-6. There is an aspect to the need to test the spirits that I didn't have time to get into during the sermon. However, it is something that is too important to not share, so I will do it now.

While it is important to test the information we receive from outside to see if it is of God or not before accepting it, it is equally important to test that which comes from within. It's not only that which we are told that can lead us astray. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. I'm worthless and unlovable, or my way is right and I'm good enough, and countless possibilities in between the two extremes of self loathing and pride. Just like philosophy and doctrine and information from outside us, we need to hold up our own thoughts and feelings to the light of God's word and see if they line up. We need to check what we say about ourselves says about Jesus and then ask if that's the real Jesus. Does what we are saying and feeling cause us to want to draw nearer to Daddy and agree with the Spirit of peace, love and joy within us or does it make us feel abandoned or alone or self sufficient?

Not everything I think and not everything I feel is true and right, especially when it comes to the thoughts and feelings I have about myself. I must test the spirit behind my own thoughts and feelings, and then a choice must be made. Today, let us choose to believe what Daddy says about us. Let us decide to believe we are of value and greatly loved but that we need Him and can't make it on our own because what He says is truth, regardless of what I may think or feel.

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