Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ September 4, 2018 ~ The Heart Of A Worshiper

Here is something some people don't know about me. I take after my mother much more than my father. When it comes to personality make up, aptitudes and attitudes, there is no doubt I am my mother's child. One area where I would like to be even more like her is in the area of worship. My mother has the heart of a worshiper. I have seen it faithfully and consistently for as long as I can remember. I  have come to rely on it as she lines out and leads cooperate worship, but as I have learned from her, there is more to worship than singing songs at church.

When it comes to having a heart of worship, the very phrase tells us that the most important thing is not what you're doing or where it's happening but the heart. I find it very interesting that the first person mentioned in the Bible bringing an offering of worship to God is an example of what not to do. He got it wrong, and he got it wrong in a way that is easy to do. You might find that discouraging, but it's true. The first mention of someone bringing an offering of worship is Cain in Genesis 4, and boy did he blow it.

Some say that  the problem with Cain's sacrifice was what he brought in  his hands, but  the problem was how he brought it. The problem was the heart. And his problem is all too often our problem. We can all too easily be just like Cain. The heart of worship is a love for God that is the natural and logical response to understanding that we are loved and cared for by Daddy. He wants to have relationship with us, He wants to connect with us. He is calling to us to come to Him. We do not have to bribe Him or attract His attention. We don't have to convince Him to look upon us with care and favor.

At our worst and lowest, He seeks us out, calls us to  Him and made a way for us to lay aside our qualifications and enter into His presence based on His qualifications. He doesn't love us because we're so good and lovable or because we earned it. He loves us because He is good and loving, and He earned our right to fellowship with Him. When we come to understand how much He loves us and all that He did in order for us to be able to commune with Him, that He drew near to us rather than having us struggle to  get to Him, the only response that makes any sense is to love Him back.

Cain's problem was that He worshiped to gain God's favor. He said in effect, look what I am doing for you, so accept me and love me. If he had only  understood that he was already accepted and loved He would have brought his offering out of a thankful heart for the love God already poured out on him. We don't pray, or sing or dance or give offerings or anything else that could be called worship to get God's attention, to say look what I'm doing, now love me and accept me. We already have His love. He not only accepts us as we are but came to us and bridged the gap between us with His love and His sacrifice. Our sacrifice is not to fill that gap or earn His affection. The gap is already filled, and we are precious in His sight. We respond to His love with love and praise. We don't love and praise to manipulate His response to us.

Today I am so  grateful for the years I have had to watch my mother love God and worship Him. My desire is to have a heart of worship like hers, like King David, like Cain's brother Abel, who don't say I am worthy because I have done this and haven't done that and offered this, but rather You are worthy of my praise, and even though I may not feel worthy to come, You invited me, so thank You Lord, I come filled with joy and thankfulness that You would have me as I am, and I love and worship You because of who You are and all that You have done. Not my will but Yours is essential to our walk with God, and so is not what I have done or do, but because You love me, I love and praise Your name.

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