Monday, April 18, 2016

Leah's Pineapple Upside Down Cake Recipe

Leah's Pineapple Upside Down Cake


2 sticks of butter - 1 for the gooey bottom/topping and 1 for the cake. These should be taken out early so that they can soften and come at least close to room temperature. 

I cup dark brown sugar. 

1 can (20 oz) Pineapple slices in 100% Juice

Maraschino Cherries

1/2 tspn salt

1 1/2 c All Purpose Flour

2 tsp Baking Powder

1/2 tspn Ground Cinnamon

1 c Granulated Sugar

1 tbsp Vanilla Extract

3 lrg Eggs

Preheat oven to 350. While the oven is warming up, take a medium to large sauce pan and begin melting first stick of butter. When butter is completely melted and starting to turn slightly borwn, add first half of the dark brown sugar and stir until blended. Add the rest of the dark brown sugar and stir until sugar and butter are well blended/ Remove from heat.

Spread the dark brown sugar/butter mixture evenly in an  ungreased 9-inch cake pan. Open can of pineapple slices and save the juice. Place one pineapple ring in the center of the pan atop the sugar mixture. Continuing placing more pineapple in rings around the center one, edge to edge. There will be once circle of pineapple around a center pineapple slice. Place one Marischino cherry in the hole of each pineapple slice and in the triangular gaps at the meeting of slices. Set pan aside.

In medium bowl whisk together the salt, cinnamon, flour and baking powder.

In a large mixing bowl beat together the sugar and remaining stick of butter on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add vanilla and beat in eggs one at a time. Reduce mixer speed and add half of the dry flour mixture and half the pineapple juice. Repeat with rest of flour mixture and juice.

Carefully pour batter into cake pan until pan is about 3/4 full, leaving room for expansion and not disturbing the pineapple and cherries. Smooth until evenly spread with a rubber spatula. Bake for 50 minutes or until a toothpick can be inserted into the cake and removed cleanly. Take out of oven and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes.

Take a knife and run around the outside edge of the pan to insure cake is not stuck to edges and will come out of pan easily. Place a large plate upside down on top of cake pan. Holding plate and p-an together, flip upside down so that the pan is now upside down on the plate, which is now right side up. Let gooey mixture drip down over sides and the cake to cool. Cut, eat and enjoy..

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