Thursday, May 19, 2016

Unshackled Moments ~ May 19 ~ Pursuing Happiness

We have  the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that little declaration may be one of the worst mistakes our founding fathers made. It sounds good. It sounds right. But living in exercise of these rights is a sure way to misery and most of the problems we're facing as a society.

When we live like we have a right to our life, as though our life is ours to do with as we will, it leads to frustration, heart ache and misery. To gain a life worth living we must lose our life, our right to rule it. Life comes through sacrifice and surrender.  Liberty when ruling our own life becomes seen as doing whatever we want, whenever we want it, however we want to do it. And in reality it leads only to bondage. True liberty is found in walking in grace and surrender to God. The natural and logical conclusion of the right to our own life, to do what we will leads us to an endless and fruitless pursuit of happiness and pleasure, wrapped in emotion and fleeting.

Like grabbing  at bubbles that pop as soon as they are touched we chase every impulse and follow every instinct gone awry to try to fill the need for joy. It never works well or for long, and in the end life becomes empty and meaningless. That is if the things we chase, believing they will bring happiness, don't kill us.

But when we give up our rights to our Creator, when we give Him the right to rule our life and do with it what He wills, He makes us free. We experience liberty in the truest and most lasting sense of the word. Freedom that can't be lost regardless of the situation. And in service to Him, through seeking and pursuing Him above and before all else we find joy that gives us strength, can't be killed by circumstance and runs deeper than emotion and situation based happiness.

Today let us give up our rights and pursue God. Let us look to Him for our life worth living, our liberty and our joy. It works. It lasts. And it can't be taken away or destroyed.

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