Friday, December 14, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ December 14, 2018 ~ Christmas Cheer

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
December 7, 2015.

The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined.
- Isaiah 9:2

There's a lot of talk around this time each year of Christmas cheer. The idea seems to be that we're supposed to be happy and carefree, and if we're not, if we're hurting or tired or frightened or lonely that we're just Scrooges and need to get with the program. Some of us are happy. Some do have joy and peace and actual goodwill toward their fellows, but all the manufactured jolly chipperness is enough to make some want to hide from the season. It isn't fun to feel broken and hurting and like you're dying inside. Living in the shadow of death is miserable, and it only gets worse when it seems like we're supposed to just get over it and be happy already.

The good news is that holiday cheer is not a commandment of God. You don't have to put on a smile and pretend everything is OK to please God. In fact, that is the last thing He wants. Jesus didn't come to cheer us up. He came to shine a light on our darkest shadows. Light doesn't make shadows feel better. Light destroys shadows. The greater the light the less shadow there are, and if you have enough light coming from every direction no shadows remain. He didn't come to teach us how to mask our sorrow or give us rehab so that we can function in our brokenness. He came to heal our brokenness and comfort us.

If anxiety increases for you this time of year because it feels like you have to perform, to act the part on some stage fulll of Christmas cheer, be encouraged and be at peace. You don't have to be anxious. You don't have to fret. You don't have to act. Just cry out to Jesus and seek His light. Let Him have access to your shadows.. He loves us as we are, not as we should be. So much of our fear and worry and stress can be replaced by peace that doesn't depend on circumstances when we simply follow the light to Him and bask in the warmth of His love rather than try to manufacture cheer.

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