Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ July 10, 2019 ~ Terminally Unique - The Rest Of The Story

In yesterday's UM, Terminally Unique,  the thought of the day was about what it means to feel terminally unique and basically how we aren't. But since all those unique emotions aren't all that uncommon after all, why is it that the feeling of being different and set apart, of being terminally unique is so common? The answer is because those feelings, although fueled by self pity and inaccurate, have a basis of truth. They are a lie from the enemy, the lie that no one could understand and that our situation is different from all other human experience, but Satan's favorite lies, and the ones that are easiest for us to believe, are lies which are born from a seed of truth.

The truth that has been twisted to alienate and isolate us is the rest of the story. The root of truth is that we are indeed unique. No matter what boxes we fit into, no matter how much we have conformed to society, no matter how average our lives may be or how common our reactions and actions are in given situations, the truth is that we are all unique. There is no one who is living, has ever lived or will ever live exactly like me, or you. And if we get back to the truth of the how and why of that, then being terminally unique can take on an entirely new meaning and can become a beautiful and glorious thing.

To be terminal is to be dying, so there may not seem to be an upside to that condition. The truth though goes against our reason and says that we must be terminal, we must die to find life. Our lives are so much better after we die. I'm not talking about heaven, although there is that. I'm talking about the here and now and dying to self and living in Christ. And once we have died and been reborn as a child of God and learn to stay terminal, to die daily to self and follow Him, our uniqueness becomes a treasure. We each have a unique assortment of spiritual gifts and characteristics that are ours with our birth in Christ. While there are similarities with our brothers and sisters, no one else is exactly like us.

We have a calling that enables us to serve in a unique way that uniquely reflects an aspect of our Creator No one else can show and reflect His glory in quite the same way and degree as I can. No one else can take your place in that glory puzzle either. When we refuse to die to self and insist on walking in our own way, then the world misses out on seeing some of the beauty and wonder of the Father. Others fit the puzzle in their own unique ways and can not do more than what they were made to do.

Today, let us not wait for someone else to try to fill in the gap for us. Let us be gloriously and wonderfully terminally unique. Let us die to self, live in Him, and let our lives give Him the glory that only our love, service and praise can.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
July 10, 2016.

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