Saturday, July 13, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ July 13, 2019 ~ Let It Burn

What we have freely received, we are to freely give. In fact, there are things that we are given for the sole purpose of giving them away. Almost like we are not the receivers as much as the carriers. Sometimes this concept can be a little hard to take from the standpoint of our humanness, born in selfishness and clothed in what's in it for me. That's because we see the gifts of God as ours in a way that a discovered treasure is ours. If I found a million dollars and gave a million dollars away I would be as broke as before I found it. No thank you.

But that's not the way it works with spiritual gifts and treasure. Spiritual treasure is not like gold which can be held by only one person at a time, but rather it is like a fire, which does not diminish when offered from one candle to another but gives us even more light and is twice what it was before it was shared. When I found the wonder and truth of God's grace in Jesus Christ for me, I became a blessed and rich person, a spiritual heir of God. But I don't lessen that by giving it away. It can only be lessened by hoarding it. When I find Jesus and the treasure He brings to life, I find something more valuable than gold. When I give the Jesus I have found to a hundred others, my portion is not diminished. Now a hundred and one people have Jesus, and like with a flame to a candle, each have a full portion. In fact, as you give His love away, your flame grows brighter than before, you actually get closer to Jesus, a little more of the Spirit, your portion increases as it is released.

I have been given spiritual gifts that make me able to be of service to God and others. So have you. Those gifts are ours, but they are not directly for us. We use them to bless and help others and to bring glory to God, to make the light of God burn brighter and in more hearts. So what's in it for us? When we light a fire, it is not really the fire that we burn for ourselves and our purposes. We set a fire for the effects of that fire, for the by-products and the results. We are after the energy, heat and light that a fire gives off when it burns.The gifts and things of God are like fire. They do us no good if not used, because it is not them but the effects of using them that we are after.

Using the things of God and sharing them with others doesn't diminish them. It increases their effects and multiplies their by-products of Light to see truth, Warmth to comfort and heal, Energy to endure and excel and spreads love, joy and peace. These things are found and multiplied to us, and through us to others, when we give everything away and are consumed by the fire of God in our hearts. They are only lessened by holding back and tying to prevent some of our self from being burnt, reduced to ash in the transfer. From the ashes of what we give of ourselves to God something beautiful and alive spreads through our lives, and in the end, we are left with more life, more contentment and more reason to live than we had before we were exposed to the fire.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
July 13, 2016.

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