Friday, January 19, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ January 19, 2018 ~ Nothing Is Too Small For God

Do you ever feel  like you have a need that is too small or unimportant to ask God for help with? I do. I must admit that some things seem too silly or frivolous to make a request to the Creator of the Universe about. Maybe it's something that isn't a real need, or won't matter much in the grand scheme of things. Maybe its something that isn't spiritual and feels outside His wheelhouse. Maybe it's a desire for something that isn't wrong but still simply seems like it's not a God thing.

I have learned though to take even those little things to Daddy and to the Lord who cares for us. God cares about our daily lives and desires, right down to the smallest detail. No, we don't always get what we want. Sometimes He has some better for us, sometimes what we want would not be helpful for us, and sometimes we do need to learn to be  content with what we have been given. But sometimes, Daddy delights in helping us and giving us things that give us pleasure, even when they are small, or won't make much difference in  the grand scheme of things or aren't in the least way spiritual.

I know Christmas is over but regardless  of the time of year, sometimes we seem to go from acting as though God is Santa and only there to give us what we want, if we're good enough , not true, to feeling like He's the relative that always gives us underwear and socks, only things we need rather than something  that would make us happy, also not true. When we lean toward the latter view we tend to evaluate our requests on a scale of need before we ask and if the desire doesn't rank high on the need scale we keep it to ourselves.

I think though that reminding us to take even  the frivolous to Daddy may be part of why Jesus, who only did the will of Daddy, kicked off His ministry tour with a miracle  that had no purpose other than to make His mom happy, bring pleasure to others and keep the party going. The first miracle Jesus performed wasn't giving sight to someone who was blind or making the lame walk or  something big and showy lie raising the dead. He turned some water into wine to help a couple celebrate their wedding.

Was this s real need? It's not like there had been no wine. They just ran out. Would it help others think about God or get closer to God to have more wine at the party? I dare say no. The guests and the Master of the Feast didn't even know about the miracle. Only a few servants and Mary knew what had happened at the time. By the time the couple's first anniversary rolled around would it even matter if they had run short on refreshments at the reception? Was this even something worthy of God in Flesh's time and concern?

Mary thought so, and so she took if to Jesus.  And He responded. The Lord cares about our lives. He cares about our concerns. We are told to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us. It doesn't say take the big things to God, the important things only. It doesn't mention only spiritual things that matter on the eternal scale of things.  It simply says our cares can be taken to Daddy. Let us not hesitate to take even the littlest things on our heart to the One who cares for us.

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