Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ January 9, 2018 ~ This Little Light Of Mine

Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.
- Anne Lamott

I saw this quote this morning, and it gave me something to think about regarding how those of us who have found freedom and life in Christ live, or at least should live. Jesus said that those who follow Him would be a light to the world. Now that I am getting older and am having more trouble seeing, I am more aware of how awesome light is when you're trying to move around. Like the lighthouses, light itself doesn't boss us around or try to tell us what to do or where to go. It simply illuminates the path so that we can see where we need to step without falling all over ourselves and obstacles.

We aren't called to stand near the cliff and shout at people so that they know they're about to go over the edge. We are called to light the area enough so that they can see the danger and choose to turn toward the safety of the source of our light. The lighthouse doesn't go looking for boats to save nor does it give the boats orders about how to turn to navigate the rocks. It simply shines the light.

It is the Holy Spirit that convicts, not us. We don't need to go tell everyone how they are wrong or where they are messing up. I remember when I first walked into the rooms of recovery a little over nine years ago. I struggled at the beginning to the point where some who had themselves been hopeless causes once spoke of their belief that I would never make it. The funny thing is that few bothered to tell me how messed up I was, no one came and beat me about the head and shoulders with the truth that if I didn't get sober I was going to go back to prison or die, no one said if you don't do this and this and that there's no hope. No one needed to tell me how much danger I was in or how much of a mess I was. I knew that. What I couldn't see was how to escape the danger of the rocks in the seas of my life.

Here's what the ones who helped me did do. They were there. They made themselves available to me and let me hang out with them. One man spoke to me after a recovery meeting where I stumbled in late and drunk and told me that I could call him any time I needed to, day or night, as long as I called before I picked up. He told me if I called him drunk he wouldn't waste his time talking to me when I wasn't sober. Others let me spend hours with them, at their homes, so I didn't have to be alone if I didn't wish to be. But no one tried to make me stay with them or preach at me while I was there. They simply lived their lives of recovery and lit the area around them so that I could see that I wanted what they had.

But here's something else those lighthouses that helped me safely reach the docks didn't do. Not only did they not hunt me out and try to drag me in, they didn't dim or turn off their lights when I got close. What I mean by that is that they didn't try to be cool, they didn't lower themselves back to my level so that I would be comfortable or accept them. They didn't try to camouflage or filter their light or life so that they could fit in with me and seem no different that I was. I needed different. It does no good to show and tell that we have been where someone in need is if we're not also showing that where we are now is significantly different.

We all too often hide our light under a bushel in some weird desire to expose those in the dark to it slowly so as not to hurt their eyes or scare them off. But Jesus said that isn't what we are to do. No we don't try to force our light on anyone, but we don't walk around and hide it either. Live as bright as God can make your life so that those who are as desperate as the drowning can make for it, seeing the life they want for themselves and that it is much different than what they have, even if it was once very similar.

When we shield others from the full brightness of our light there is no reason for them to do what we have done. Why bother when there seems to be little difference in the results? When we turn off our light to make someone else more comfortable, suddenly we're both in the dark and in danger of falling into the ditch. Instead of shining the light of escape for our friend in need we put ourselves in danger. It broke my heart to learn recently of a friend who had relapsed. Another friend spent time with the one who had stumbled. Instead of lighting the way back home to safety and life, he dimmed his life to fit in and be accepted. Now they are both running and gunning again and headed for the rocks.

Jesus spent so much time with the outcasts and the sinners that the religious folks despised Him for His associations. Still, there is no record of Him walking into the home of someone in desperate need to clean up their life and tell them to straighten up or forcing them to lay aside the wrong. He loved them and had compassion and helped them, and then, after they had responded on their own to the light of His love, gave them the answer, told them that there was a better way and that they could live free of the sin that had them in bondage. But He also never dimmed His light. He shone so brightly as He went through life that even the blind could see Him  and cry out Son of David have mercy on me! Lighthouses don't turn off or dim their lights to keep from hurting the eyes of the boat captains in their area, to look better or to fit in. Don't go grabbing boats in the water and try to tug them into shore, just keep shining so that they can see where to go, but just as importantly, don't dim your light.

Lord, may we always shine brightly with Your love and way of life. Let us realize that shining with Your light is enough, and we are not to try to force anyone in out of the dark. But let us never feel ashamed of the light and that we are no longer in darkness. May we never dim the light or run it through a filter to make our lives appear to be like those who are in need. May we remember that it is not their comfort or acceptance we want but to be of service and to show them that there is a solution. Amen.

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