Thursday, July 30, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ July 30 ~ Delayed Gratification

When a baby wants something he or she cries, and if it doesn't come immediately they cry more and more loudly. At some point during the transition from child to toddler they usually begin to learn that you don't always get what you want the second you want it and that it doesn't help to throw a fit about it every time. And yet fit throwing is common enough during the toddler stage to get it called the terrible twos. Then comes a point when we come to learn that sometimes we have to wait. Sometimes we have to wait until we sleep and dream because only in our dreams will we get that particular wish. Sometimes we need to wait until we are older and more mature. I asked my parents for a motorcycle when I was four or five, and I am pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten it even if they had had the money. Sometimes we need to learn to be responsible and show ourselves to be that. Sometimes we need to work for what we want.

Learning to accept and even appreciate delayed gratification is a sign of maturity.Today I want to put away the childish impulse to throw a fit and get mad when I don't get my way or when what I want doesn't happen quickly enough or at all. I will be thankful for the reward that is to come that will be more appreciated due to the wait, what was endured during the wait and the effort it takes to arrive at the place where what is better is mine. Lord thank you for teaching me to wait.

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