Friday, January 18, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ January 18, 2019 ~ Live Like A King

Most Americans are familiar with at least one quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., even if all they know of the famous speech is "I have a dream". Today* is a day when King is remembered and honored, and sadly, in some ways and by some dishonored. My favorite quote from King is not the one that comes to mind for most people at the mention of his name.

Have faith in God. God is Love. Love never fails. It is our prayer that we may be children of light, the kind of people for whose coming and ministry the world is waiting.
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

He also said:

Agape love, repentance, forgiveness, prayer, faith: all are keys to resolving human issues.

King had the ability to point out what was wrong, what had been injustice and unfair treatment toward himself and others, while at the same time calling for and promoting unity over division. Part of what made this possible is that King loved, not perfectly of course, but the love of Christ loved through him, even for the people on the opposite side of the issue. His message was always more about how things need to change and that we, as a people, need to come together as one group, following and loving God and each other. He tried to live as the example of love and the light that he wanted others to see. As one of my mentors put it, be the change you want to see.

King also understood the response to division and disharmony regardless of the issue. No matter the conflict or disagreement, there is a way that we can handle the situation for the growth of unity and the glory of God. Many who promote the idea of harmony today do so by saying that all things should be permitted. Can't we all just get along? Just don't fight. Accept the unacceptable. But this is not the example King gave us. He stood for what is right over the wrong to the point of dying for what is right. He didn't promote unity by compromising right or truth. The solution is to go further toward right and truth rather than away from it, to provoke each other to love and good works (Hebrews 10), by first acting in agape love (which means to love those on all sides of the issue with the same perfect love that God has for them), repentance, forgiveness prayer and faith.

These are what King said are the keys to resolving all human issues, not just ones of a nation or of race, but issues at home, issues ar work, issues with the stranger on the street, and any other issue that threatens to stir hate and division. The order matters. First, we understand God's perfect highest form of love for the world that includes us and includes those we are at odds with as well. We accept His love for us and as we have freely received we freely give that love even to our opponents and enemies. We repent or agree that God's way is better than our way while admitting our wrong and our part in the division. We take care of our heart first. Then we can look to those on the other side, not in such a way as to say See, you are wrong, here is how you must change and do what I want. We look to them to forgive them so that we are not responding to them out of hurt and in anger any longer. It is the Spirit that allowed Jesus to forgive those that crucified Him as it happened that gives us the power and ability to do this. We pray, taking the need to Daddy, and we trust Him with the situation. This is not a momentary or one time thing. It must be lived out, but when it is, it change lives. It can change the world. And it starts with us surrendering to God and the law of love.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
January 18, 2016.
*Martin Luther King Jr Day is Monday, January 21 of this year.

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