Saturday, January 26, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ January 26, 2019 ~ Stop And Go

Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. 
- Isaiah 40:31

Sometimes it feels like things keep going from bad to worse. There is no end to the rough road, and the light at the end of the tunnel is a freight train coming our way. It exhausts us to push through the weight of the situation and the obstacles of circumstances. Where is God when nothing is getting better, and it's taking every bit of determination we have just to keep breathing. We want to stop. sit down beside the road and quit.

We can't do that. We need to do exactly that. We can not stop on the side of the road. If we cease to walk, we will never reach our destination. But if we continue to attempt to make the journey on our strength, we will collapse and also fail to survive and arrive. We need to give the load to One able to carry it. Let the Spirit go before us and remove the obstacles. Let Him carry the weight of the situations. Let Him carry us.

To wait on the Lord is to rest in who He is and His love for us. It is to trust Him with our lives and with what's happening in and around them, We don't have to push our way through it or force ourselves to make one more step. When we can trust God to handle what needs to be handled and rest in His love, patiently letting God's timetable operate without being hindered by our anxiety and fears, then we will find the Spirit refreshing us. We can soar above the situations, we can run to Him and we can walk through the desert and the valley of the shadow, no matter how long it takes. It doesn't mean that if we give it to God He'll instantly remove all our problems. It means that we can keep going and remain faithful for as long as it takes, knowing there will come a point when we will be looking behind us to see what is blocking the path today. Keep going, but on His strength.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
January 26, 2016.

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