Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ January 29, 2019 ~ Take A Break

There are times when the stress of life and the pressure of what we need to do and what's going on in our lives becomes so great that we feel it's impossible to stop. We become so determined on getting though whatever is happening that we cut out the very thing that gives us the power to get through it.

I'm sure that I am not the only one who's been running late, glanced down to see the fuel gauge on empty and kept going, praying I didn't run out of gas. I had to get to my destination. I didn't have time to stop for gas. But the truth is that if I ran out I would be even more late as I found myself forced to walk to a station or wait for help. The wise thing to do is stop and put a gallon or two in the tank to make sure I can keep going until I have time to fill up.

For those who  have been set free from the bondage of addiction, this kind of behavior spiritually is an extremely dangerous game of roulette. Sooner or later, we will misjudge and run out of power if we keep refusing to take the time to add to the tank. Even those who don't have have dangerous addictions will find themselves trying to go through their day on their own strength, and it's impossible to stay in the will of God on out own power. The results are never good. Sometimes they are disastrous.

When we feel that we don't have time to stop is when we need to take time the most. A few minutes to get still and quiet with God refuels and refreshes us. We travel on down the road more efficiently, our spiritual engine runs better. In the end, that few minutes saves time. It keeps us from having to start over, from having to back track or change directions and prevents us from becoming stuck or sidetracked.

No matter what is happening in our lives, we need that time with God each and every day. Maybe we don't have time to fill up  But if we keep stopping for a gallon or two here and there we will never run out of gas. We will not have to switch from His power to our own. Let us take a break today and spend time refueling our spiritual tanks so that we can drive though our day free and under His power.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
January 29, 2016.

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