Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ March 19 ~ More Than A Healing

Ten lepers stood on the outskirts of the town. They were outcasts. No one would come close to them, and they were not allowed within the city. They couldn't hug their loves ones. Slowly their body ate itself, leaving them disfigured and monstrous. They had no hope.

Then one day Jesus passed by and the me called out to Him, begging for mercy and help. Jesus declared them healed and told them to show themselves to the priests for verification that the disease had been stopped in its tracks. They left rejoicing to be declared clean and be allowed to once more rejoin society. Hope had returned. They were scared, missing ears, noses and bits of fingers and toes, but they were alive and the disease had been removed. They were in a hurry to do all the things they dreamed of when they dared to dream of somehow being healed of the leprosy.

One of them took the time to stop, return to Jesus, to draw close to Him and thank Him. Jesus told Him that his faith had saved Him. That man went away with healing in his soul as well as in his body. He had made contact with the Word that created Him, recognized that and drew near to Him with Thanksgiving. Ten lepers found healing that day, relief from their disease. But one found himself made new and found an eternal relationship with his Lord.

Every blessing we receive from God is opportunity to be closer to Him when the events are over than we were when they started. Let us not be like the nine, but let us be quick when we see that God has performed a miracle in our life to return with thanksgiving and gratitude to give Him glory. Every time we respond to God by drawing closer rather than taking what He has given and going on about our way we are saved, made more like Jesus and sanctified , a little more. We are brought a little closer to the being we will be in the end and for eternity, uniquely reflecting the glory of God in our life.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
February 21, 2016.

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