Friday, March 22, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ March 22, 2019 ~ Nature Sings

I stood outside, admiring nature and the beauty of God's creation. I had my Pandora playing on my phone, and Lindsey Stirling rocked her violin, lifting my spirits. Suddenly it seemed as though the wind blew the leaves in rhythm with the music. A bird flew by, flapping its wings to the beat. The whole world seemed to be connected to the music playing on my phone.

It reminded me of an amazing movie Leah and I love. The movie, an independent film called Ink, has some language that isn't very uplifting at times, but overall the film is one of the best tales of recovery, redemption and love I have ever seen. There is a scene in the movie where a supernatural, or at least spiritual natural character alters events by changing the rhythm of the scene. I think there is some truth in the idea that there is a rhythm to and a music underlying creation.  The earth and the heavens declare the glory of God with its music, and that music is a song of praise that makes the trees clap their hands and the mountains rejoice.

Today, let us join in with creation and praise our Creator. Let our spirit sing and connect us to Him and the world around us.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
February 24, 2016.

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