Saturday, July 7, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ July 7, 2018 ~ The Message

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
March 15, 2015.

Early on in my journey down Recovery Road, I learned something important, two somethings, in a way, Maybe I should say that I learned two truths that turned out to be two opposite sides of the exact same coin. First, came devastation when a human being made a mistake, hurt me and let me down. Imagine that happening if you can. This person seemed to have it all together, whatever it is, to have the kind of recovery I wanted to have and to know how to get it, to know the Book backwards and forwards and to have the answers. This was a person who was qualified and good at carrying the message. Forget E.F. Hutton, when this  Elder Statesman spoke, everyone in the room listened.

Then one day, this messenger got it wrong. And not just a little wrong either. Way wrong. A quote from the book was explained in a way that meant the exact opposite of what the book said. The Messenger had misquoted the Message and taken it totally out of context. Suddenly everything from the Messenger I had soaked up like a sponge became suspect. I went in private to the Messenger and shared with them what appeared to be  a mistake. The Messenger agreed they'd missed it on that message and thanked me! Then within a couple of months politely invited me to attend a different meeting. It broke my heart. In truth the two instances were probably not related at all, and the invitation was revoked with tears and apologies. This person is a dear friend of mine today, but I test the message against the Book and the Spirit of Truth whenever this messenger speaks. The best, most together, wisest, most experienced messengers make mistakes. The Message is pure, the vessels are not. That's why we are told to test everything we are told and taught against the book and by the Standard of the Spirit of Truth (Yes, that includes any and every Unshackled Moment).

Lesson two came in the same place but with a different messenger. This person didn't have anything anyone wanted. More people wished the poor person would move on than even wanted to help and be of service to this sap. When the person opened their mouth, the members of the group cringed, people tuned out, whispers of conversations began here and there, and the timing finally felt right to get up and go to the bathroom. I was as guilty as anyone of ignoring the words spoken by this would be messenger, until one day during a meeting I couldn't seem to get anything out of, no matter which of and how many of the "good" messengers shared. I hurt so much, and nothing seemed to get through that wall of pain in around my mind. Then this person no one really listened to, including me, began to babble about something. I don't remember. I do remember almost getting up and leaving. This meeting, this day was shot, or so it seemed. Why suffer through any more of it?

As I collected my keys and things to leave, the person said something similar to what they usually said, but this time it was slightly different and for whatever reason I was able to hear. The donkey in my eyes had become a Messenger of Truth in an instant. I didn't get up or leave. I teared up and spent the rest of the meeting thinking about that Message I'd received. I left changed. I left a little more healed. The lesson remains with me years later as true and as powerful as anything given to me by any of the respected few I honored with my attention and trust.

Lord, help me to remember that it's all about my ability to hear and receive Your Message, regardless of where or when it comes. Remind me that you can use the driver who cuts me off, the donkey whose braying bounces off the walls with annoyance, the friend and the respected example all equally well if I keep my heart right and open to You. May I never over trust the trusted or reject the despised so that I accept falsehood or miss truth. Let me get what You need to me to get wherever the place and whoever the source, and may I be protected from error as well, as I put every message through the Truth test. Amen

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