I remember getting home, washing the blood off my face and then, after taking a deep breath, waking my father to tell him I'd had a wreck. There were two reasons that I didn't put off telling him. First, I knew that any trouble or negative consequences of my actions would only be worse if I delayed or tried to hide it. I am sure that my parents would be much more upset if I disappeared for three days and wrecked the truck than they were about my wrecking the truck. But the main reason is that I knew I was safe. Dad might be upset. I felt sure he would be. But I also knew I wouldn't be beaten or kicked out of the house or anything like that. I didn't have any need to try to form a backup plan on where to go if I were no longer welcome at home. I wasn't always as secure in my Dad's love for me as I should have been, but I never doubted that I was more important to him than a vehicle. This made it possible to overcome my fear and shame and go home.
This little story is an example of why it is so important for us to realize that our Daddy loves us as we are, not as we should be. He loved us before He adopted us, and without us earning or deserving His love. This is important because it means that His continuing to love us is not about us and our performance. It's about Him and the importance that He places on us and on relationship with us. He was willing to do everything needed and pay the ultimate price to make us His. After doing so much to attain relationship with us, He's not about to cast us out or away because of a mistake or a bad, selfish, willful decision.
This is great news, because we're going to mess up. We're going to have times when we slip and fall. We're even going to have times when we choose to jump. There may be consequences, but we don't have to stay our there in the dark and the mess. We don't have to be afraid to run back to Daddy. He's not going to abuse us or reject us. He loves us much better and more perfectly than any earthly father ever could be. We can trust that love enough to go home, no matter where we've been, what we've done or what led to our mess. We are securely kept in relationship by His love for us, not by our performance, so we can quickly return if and when we stray.
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