Friday, September 1, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ September 1, 2017 ~ Aim For The Prize

How does your day begin? With a groan and a grimace and an awareness how much there is to do? Or do you rise and think about what you hope to accomplish and set a goal or two? Or perhaps neither is the case, and you simply get up and go through the day reacting to situations and responsibilities as they come?

If the first or last or the most true, then you are being shortchanged. We set ourselves on the things of God and seek His will for the day. Sure, there are responsibilities that must be taken care of, work, laundry, whatever. But if we rise with an understanding that we are being given a day in which to be of service to God, then we can set ourselves to do just that. To set ourselves is to focus our direction and aim for the goal. No matter what we have to do or what situations may arise, if our goal is to access the grace God gives us, we can go through our day, handle our responsibilities and even enjoy our leisure while maintaining awareness of our relationship with God, loving Him and loving others.

If we simply rise and react, or worse try to shoulder the burdens of the day ourselves, we may come to the end of the day and realize that our relationship with God and our service has taken a back burner. Where did the day go? How did we go through it without really taking the time to commune with Him or care for others? We are not called to live aimless, reactionary lives. Instead, we are called to deny self and follow Jesus. We can not follow Him however if we don't take the time to look for Him and see where the Spirit may be directing us to go. The prize of a life worth living is not found in checking off everything on our to do list or in getting the most pleasure from our free time, but in getting close to Jesus and doing the will of Daddy each day.

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