Thursday, August 31, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ August 31, 2017 ~ First Things First

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will and the power to carry that out.
- Step 11

We treat the men and women of scripture like heroes and call them saints, as though they are higher and better and closer to God than we. Or we flip the coin and tear them apart, pointing out their flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings to encourage ourselves to remember and believe that God can love and use even us. We either speak of Peter walking on water or harp on him denying Christ. David repeatedly slays the giant or commits adultery and murder in our memory. Noah faithfully obeyed and built the ark or he was a sloppy drunk.

Whether we regard them as heroes or messes, there is one thing they all have in common, which was what made them able to be used of God, despite their flaws. They had a passion for God. They sought Him, desired Him, and having relationship with Him was their foremost drive, even though they forgot and strayed or messed up at times.

If we want to be effective servants and demonstrations of God's love, power and way of life to draw others to Him and bring Him glory, Step 11 is more than just a maintenance step to keep up from screwing up or returning to our bondage. It is evidence of a heart that is longing and burning for God. We seek to improve our conscious contact, our awareness of Him, His presence and His love for us. We push to go deeper into relationship and to know Him more. Not just so that we will have victory in our lives, but so that we too can be mighty and effective tools and demonstrations of His love in service to others. If we want to be used by God, like the heroes of faith of the past, the answer is not in making ourselves more spiritual but in seeking God and our relationship with Him above and before all else.

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