Monday, February 11, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ February 11, 2019 ~ Legacy

Have you ever heard of Billy Graham? A lot of people have. He is probably one of the most famous preachers of the last 100 years or more. He co-authored a book I finished reading this weekend, and as I went to mark it as read in my Goodreads account I saw something interesting about him.

I normally use the Goodreads app, but this morning I used the computer. The set up and how it looks are different, and one of the things more easily seen is the about the author section.
About Billy Graham
husband to Ruth Bell Graham, father of Ruth Graham, Gigi Graham Tchividjian, & Anne Graham Lotz, Nelson, & Franklin Graham 
 Dr. Billy Graham has authored more than 150 books.

A lot of times when you glance at or read the about someone who is a writer or musician or whatever it is about them. Where and when they were born or live or both, how many books they've written or sold or awards won, something making them look big, important, qualified. At times it almost feels like the publicist is saying see how great this person is? You'd be stupid not to buy the book or CD or....

I'm not a fan of Graham's, and I haven't read a lot of his books. I do not know if this thing I have pointed out is even known by or approved by him. But I think that it is great. So often we strive to be known, to be seen and esteemed. But how much better would it be if we all sought our recognition to be about relationships. It seems to me to be a mark of someone who has been of service if the relationship is more important than what made someone well known.

If God is willing, one day I will be old like Graham. Even if I don't make it that far, people will sum up my life in a few short words or paragraphs when I die. The same will happen to you, Dear Reader. What will they say? What do you want them to say? I don't mind my past remaining known and it would be almost impossible to talk about my life in any truthful or real way without mentioning addiction, alcoholism and prison. And if I make it another 30 years, I hope that it will be possible to say that I served in the ministry, preached and wrote for over a quarter of a century. It would even be cool if sometime between now and then I do a few things worthy of bragging about.

But what I'd really like to lead with, what I hope that someone who knows me will think when they think who is or was Dalyn Woodard is not preacher or prisoner, but...Husband to Leah, friend and help to captives, a source of hope for the broken. Wouldn't it be great if our greatest pride and greatest accomplishments came out of relationships with others? If we were known best for positively effecting the lives of people....family, friends and foes? What if we were more excited about being of service to God and others than making a name for our selves or being seen as great? Wouldn't at least our little section of the world be a little more bright and beautiful?

Today, let us remember that self-seeking, even in the areas of status, reputation and approval is not the path or the goal, that a life of freedom worth living is found in sacrificing of self and service to God and our fellows. We can't all be Mother Theresa, but if we can try today and ever day to make someone else's life a little better and little brighter. What a great life. What a great legacy. 

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
March 28, 2016.

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