Saturday, February 2, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ February 2, 2019 ~ Champions

It's less than a week* to Superbowl Sunday. This is the game that the 106 men on the rosters of the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers have been trying to win since they began off season work outs  last summer. Every game up to this point has been a part of the process to reach this point and to win this game, to be declared world champions and gain the glory. But the truth of the matter is that half of those 106 men are going to fall short. One team must lose.

So in attempt to be the winners rather than the losers, both teams have been preparing since the Division Championship games. Sure, there's been time to rest and be with families and other things, but in the back of the mind during rest and recreation and in the front of the minds the rest of the time they have been preparing for next Sunday. They practice their plays. They study their opponent. They condition their minds and bodies. And they listen to their coaches.

They are not in this alone. None of them are. They have each other, and they must help one another, encourage each other and work together. And no matter how good they are or how experienced they are, they need coaches who can give tips, instruction, offer a fresh perspective, an objective viewpoint of their strengths and weaknesses. And so do we.

We are part of the body of Christ. We are not isolated pilgrim's. We need to prepare for the next battle as soon as the current one comes to an end. Win or lose, we must look forward to the next time our former master comes at us with those all too familiar chains. How are we going to escape, overcome temptation and defeat the enemy's plans for us? By being prepared mentally, emotionally, physically, and especially spiritually. By keeping close and being guided by and taught by our Head Coach, the Holy Spirit. By listening to assistant coaches, those who know the game, walk the walk and will give us honest objective views with our victory being their motivation. We need to remember that we are not alone. We have others to lean on, and we need to be there for others as well. We can be victorious, whatever we face, and we can continue to live free as champions.

*Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
February 2, 2016.

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