Monday, November 9, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 9 ~ Keep Calm

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
- Philippians 4:6

If this is looked at as a command, it can be quite demoralizing, because I dare say  that the average person faces a lot of anxiety these days. As a matter of fact, I would say that the idea of being able to obey a command to not be anxious at all, about anything, is as daunting as the statement that Christians are to be perfect, as our Father in heaven is perfect. I can't live up to my father on earth's reputation, much less a perfect and holy God! It's simply not possible to possess a sound mind and not have anxiety.

Well, actually it is possible. You just can't do it. Nor can I. Not alone. The only way we can, on our own power, come to a place where we truly are not anxious over the big things, the small things, and the things in between is to become some broken that we do not care what happens to us or anyone else (not a fun place to be I can assure you) or.... That's about it actually. We can be too broken to live or we can understand worry and fear. We can also find escape.

Escape from fear, worry, nervousness and uncertainty. I didn't include escape as something we can do on our own, because it's not. If we simply run, we are fleeing, and fleeing is by very definition reacting in fear. We can find escape in something or someone, but that is not on our own, because we must surrender to whatever is our refuge in order for it to work. And there is only one way of surrender and escape that gives peace and freedom from fear and anxiety.

God is our refuge and our strength. We can look at this verse in Philippians less as a command and more as a promise. There is a place in understanding the love God has for us that can make it so that no matter what we are facing, in every situation, we can have peace rather than fear. We don't have to struggle with uncertainty of outcome because we are not trying to control things. God is in control of the outcome when we surrender, trust and obey.  So, yeah, there's nothing that is too big or small to fall under the category of God can handle this better than I can.

He is an ever present help. You can just about leave off the in times of need part since if we are truly aware of our chances in this world, we are always in a state of neediness. He is our help. Always. And with a thankful heart...thankful for His love, thankful for His providence, thankful that regardless what it looks or feels like we are not in jeopardy, thankful that everything we experience can take us closer to Him and where He is there is freedom, love, peace, joy and comfort, and thankful that this place is temporary and the eternal is settled and ours.....we can go into the very presence of the King, grace, which we should also be thankful for, and make our requests to him personally. We get to talk to the King! That's what prayer is. We don't need an emissary. We don't need to make our requests to someone else and worry about if they'll pass it on to the King, because the King is our Daddy.

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 
- Philippians 4:7 

There's the rest of what with started with. We can't produce our own peace. We can't stop our anxiety. We don't have the power. But when we tap into the grace that is ours in Christ Jesus, and give it to Him, we can have that understanding passing, baffling, makes no sense at all considering the circumstances we see but total sense considering who God is peace to protect us from anxiety.  Let us stay out of the way today and walk by grace in the peace that sets us free from fear.

Daddy, today I need [whatever our need is]. Daddy, I was starting to worry about, be afraid of [blank]. Daddy I just don't see how this can possibly work out, but I know you made the earth and parted the sea and raised Jesus from the dead, so if there's anyone that can keep this fire from burning me, it's You. And if I do go in the flames I know that You will be there with me, to comfort me, and that You will heal and restore all. I don't have to be afraid. I don't have to struggle to control this. I don't have to make it come out any certain way. I simply need to trust and obey and let You have the reins. I can't even do that though, so Daddy, give me the grace to give You control and trade my anxiety for Your awesome and baffling peace. Amen.

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