Monday, November 2, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 2 ~ More Filling, Tastes Great

Yesterday, November 1, marked the beginning of 30 Days of Thankfulness for many in the United States. For the last few years I have participated in this time of extra focus on the things to be thankful for and making the spiritual principle behind Thanksgiving stand out more than just being one day of turkey and football. So I posted my first thing that I am thankful for this year, which was that I have a wonderful God who let me see that His plans for my life are indeed better, more satisfying and fulfilling than my own plans by allowing me, like the Prodigal, to choose to walk away and patiently calling me back home. The basic idea behind my post was that working for my Daddy turned out to be a better plan than pursuing my own dreams and goals. When I allowed my dreams to conform to His will for my life, my life got so much better.

That was my attitude last night moments before I crawled into bed. Then the alarm went off horribly early this morning. I needed to get up in order to do my devotional reading and quiet time and to have time to write this before leaving for my work that is not my calling but provides a paycheck. I didn't want to get up, and if I am honest right now as I weight for the coffee I've been drinking to kick in, I still don't want to be up. I want to go back to bed. But even as I began to grumble and complain about having to get up early so I can do the calling duties before making tents while others get paid to preach, God reminded me of my statements just hours ago.

His way is better. I said I learned that. I said I was thankful for Him and for learning that. Why was I whining in my spirit about not getting to do what I want or do what He wants my way? Why was I being ungrateful for the life I claimed last night was so much better than my goals and dreams this morning and crying, "But Daddy! I want what THEY'RE having!"

I actually like my job and it has been a great blessing to me and help to the ministry to which I have been called. And for the parts that make it less desirable, like the manual labor part that makes my back ache so much? Well that's where I get to learn more and more the truth that His grace is sufficient. I only grumbled this morning because I am not naturally an early morning riser, and getting up early isn't on my agenda if I get my way. Then God says that's exactly what He wants and what I need. Grumbling obedience is better than disobedience, but to obey with a grateful heart is so much better. So the question arises, do I really want to abandon my will and desires for His? Or is that something I just say when it's not costing anything or to sound spiritual?

The Israelites asked God for food, rejoiced and wrote songs of praise when He provided it, and then began grumbling and complaining about that same miracle bread. This is still a huge miracle, and it is everything we need and shows Your love oh God, but we want something else! We're tired of Your miracles. We want You to do it our way!

If you're anything like me, you often see this kind of thing in the Old Testament and think "what a bunch of ungrateful brats." Petulant people! Don't they see the awesome and miraculous provision of God and His love? Why on earth would they demand their own way or dream about returning to slavery, much less threaten to actually go back to the place they were crying out for deliverance from just a little while ago? Idiots. Then Daddy gently points out the ways I am doing the same exact thing. Thanks for the delicious honey bread, but I'm craving cold cereal this morning instead.

Today as we go about our day one rotation closer to the day we will declare our thankfulness for what we have and what God has given rather than clamor for more, let's do so with a grateful heart. It really is true that Daddy knows best. He may even get us our favorite cereal one day. But if He doesn't it'll be because His oatmeal actually tastes better or that it turns out the cereal causes spiritual cancer and we didn't know. He knows all the dangers we can't see about our desires and dreams. He knows the ones we shouldn't have, the ones we're not ready for and the ones that don't even come close to the tasty goodness of His will. Let us not be quick to forget that. Let us lay aside our petulance and our whining and complaining. Do everything as unto Him with a joyful heart. It tastes better that way.

Unshackled Life Ministries is grateful for every person that reads the daily Unshackled Moments and or listens to the messages. I want to thank those who have clicked "like" on something that blessed or ministered to them. It is encouraging to know that God is using this ministry to help and bless others. Please remember that if God used something from this ministry to help, encourage or bless you, it could also bless someone else. Would you help get the devotions to more people by sharing the Moments and messages that you read or listen to? Hitting the share button instead of or in addition to the like button will help us reach more people with the good news of freedom and the encouragement to live an Unshackled Life. Thank you and God bless.

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