Friday, November 27, 2015

Unshackled Moments ~ November 27 ~ Kingdoms Toppled

Christmas time is here, at least for my family. Sometime after the turkey on Thursday and sunrise on Friday the Christmas season officially begins, and it has nothing to do with Black Friday sales or Cyber Monday sales. It begins after Thanksgiving, but as early as possible to enjoy each and every day possible with the tree and Christmas shows and music and family and more food and...But, even though I started a little early this year with the music, it's not about all that any more than it's about the sales and the gifts. The Christmas season, which officially kicks off in a couple of days on the First Advent Sunday, is a time to remember that Joy has come into the world and into our lives. Why are we joyful? Because the Lord has come!

But amidst all the hustle and bustle do we remember what that means? Lord means someone having power, authority, influence and mastery over someone. One who rules. And The Lord that has come is the Lord of lords, or the master and ruler of rulers. We're rejoicing because the King had come. We rejoice because we are no longer free to do as we please, because our revolution failed and we must bow the knee.

Do we get that? It's hard for us to grasp at times. America's vague concept of a king is based on Disney, usually a flawed father who makes unwise decisions or in some way fails to protect his daughter from well everything, and or the monarchy of England, which at this point is ceremonial and mostly powerless. England has a Queen, but not really. She can't step out on her balcony this morning and declare a decree that all in her realm must obey no matter what.

A real king does just that. He rules. It's not a democracy. We don't get a vote. Yes, God takes into account our needs and the desires of our heart, but that's because He's a good King, not because we have a right to our say or vote on the matter. We are called to submit our will to His will. That's religious speak for we can't always get what we want, but if we try to do what God wants, we'll find that we get what we need and what we get will also be what we want. Isn't that better than the philosophy of Mick Jagger?

Anyway, we celebrate because we have been invaded by a King who now has dominion, absolute authority and power, over our lives. This Lord who has come said repeatedly that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, that means it's being established in our lives. And He taught us to pray, Thy, as in the King's - God the Father's, kingdom come. We need to remember that praying that, by very definition of the the words kingdom and come, means that we are praying that our kingdom go! You can't have two kingdoms in one land. You can't have two real kings. One king must rule and everyone else, including any other "kings" must be ruled.

Let us not get confused and think this life is our own. We have the right to rule our life about as much as Herod was king of Israel. He had the title, and authority...as long as nothing he tried to do went against the authority and rule of the real ruler of the land, Caesar. And we have the right to make choices and decisions and rule our life. We are kings of our own little kingdom. But if we are Christians, that kingship is only valid as long as it is in submission to The King. Our kingdom has to go, to make room for His kingdom. We are rejoicing over our dependence, over coming under the rule of a King. It's the exact opposite of July the 4th. And life is so much better with the right King ruling over our lives, and that is why we have joy!

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