Friday, November 23, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ November 23, 2018 ~ Goldilocks Growth

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
April 27, 2015.

I am so grateful for the idea of progress not perfection. It's a reminder that God is changing us from glory to glory. None of become perfect the instant we become children of God. None of us will reach perfection on this side of eternity, but the goal is deeper relationship, to be a little more submitted and surrendered to our Heavenly Daddy as time goes on. If I am continuing to run the race, then hopefully I will be closer to the finish today than I was yesterday.

But even understanding that idea of pressing on toward the goal rather than being perfect now I sometimes feel the progress too slow. Sometimes it feels like the more progress I make the farther I have to go. I can so easily get discouraged when I realize how much I fall short of God's holiness. It's during these times that I more than ever need to remember that I am not responsible to make the changes in myself from what I was to what God wants me to be. It's my responsibility to surrender to The Potter's Hands, but I am only clay. I need to remain moldable to the only one capable of bringing about any change in my life. If I stay surrendered to Him and stay out of His way as He does the work, then He will transform me into His perfect ideal for the unique child of God that I am. But it will happen in His time and His schedule. I must not stiffen my neck and drag my feet to slow the process, but I also can not rush ahead of Him and succeed  either.

Abba, help me to hold on to the promise that You are faithful to complete the work that You have begun in me. Let me not get frustrated and impatient and try to force the process. Let me stay where You want me and need me, so that I will grow at the pace that You know is best for me and Your glory, not too fast or slow but just right. Amen.

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