Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ November 28, 2018 ~ Always A Child

I saw where someone on social media mentioned a desire to just be a kid again, to be able to live a life with less stress, worries and responsibilities. I don't think this is a unique wish. It's not that children don't have any responsibilities or stress. They do. I certainly did, and some have far more than most adults, which is a true shame. But ultimately most children know that even their responsibilities are someone else's and that they are being cared for. That's the way it is supposed to be anyway. Our parents care for us, make sure our needs are met and pick up the slack where we are unable or fall short. They help us.

I know it's not like that for everyone, but instinctively we know that it should be. That's why there are things like child protective services to remove children from situations where that has failed to the point where a child is in danger. Children are not supposed to do it all themselves or survive without the protection and care of an adult, much less having that adult actually be a threat. Just as true is the fact that we were never meant and should not have to carry the responsibilities and stress of life. We try, because we think that's what it means to be grown. We try because we don't see any other option. That's just the way the world is, even though something deep within us screams that it isn't supposed to be this way. So we groan and shoulder our load while dreaming of youth when it didn't feel as heavy.

But we're not grown. We are children. No matter how old or mature we become, we are still God's children, and we always need our Daddy. We tend to think of being a kid at heart means frolicking our days away in fun and living selfishly. But what if we look at it another way? What if being a kid at heart means nothing more than knowing we have a Daddy who loves us as we are, not as we should be, and who cares for us? Knowing that we have a safe place in Him. Knowing that while we have some responsibilities, it all falls ultimately on His shoulders and that He is there to help us and guide us. We don't have to worry, because we don't have to take care of everything. It's in His hands.

So, if you're feeling crushed under the weight of life, I would encourage you to remember that you don't have to carry that weight, were never meant to carry that weight. Remember that you are still a child and turn to Daddy to help you. He loves you and is an ever present help in times of need, and no matter what you're going through, He's got this and will work it so that it brings out the best for you and in an draws you closer to Him.

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