Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ November 27, 2018 ~ Warm And Toasty

We have come to the time of year when it gets harder and harder for me to get out of bed in the morning. It's not Seasonal Affective Disorder or anything like that. It's also nothing new. I remember feeling the same way as a child, and not just because I didn't want to go to school.  No, it's all about the temperature.

I go to bed and get all warm and snuggled into the covers, and by morning I dread getting out and feeling that cold air. I hate the cold. It makes me hurt. Going from comfortable  and warm and resting to cold and miserable with the flip of a blanket is horrible. But it doesn't usually last too long. I get dressed for the cold and start moving. Before too long I have adjusted and gotten used to the cold, or at least it's not as bad as that transition from warmth to no thank you I'll stay in bed and hibernate until March.

Getting close to Daddy is a lot like that nice warm bed. When we take our will back and begin doing our own thing it can be bracing, even painful. But the longer we stay out of His will, the more we adjust and get used to it. We get comfortable and start thinking we're OK. Until the damage hits.The thing is you may adjust to it and dress for it, but freezing temperatures are cold. Period. If it stops feeling cold, that's not a good thing. That means you're in trouble.

We're not bears. Life doesn't let most of us hibernate until March or fly south for the winter like geese. Most days we have to face the cold, get out of bed and get moving so we don't feel like we're freezing. Heaters help. But spiritually, we can stay in bed. Or at least we can stay wrapped in the warmth of the Spirit. When we feel that chill that lets us know we've wondered out of the warmth and safety of refuge, let us not try to get used to it or dress for it or manufacture heat. Let us be quick to return to the warmth of Daddy's love and will for us.

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