Friday, November 30, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ November 30, 2018 ~ Kiss The Waves

I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.
- Charles Spurgeon

I saw this quote today, and I love it. This is where I want to be on a regular basis. Sometimes I feel this, but other times I curse the current, complain and question why God is allowing the waves to toss me to and fro.  In recovery we often express a similar sentiment with the statement that acceptance is the answer to discontentment and frustration over lack of control. Paul shared in his Spirit inspired writings that he had learned to be content in all things, the hard and bad times as well as the good. Taking that contentment a bit further he even came to a place where he could rejoice in his infirmities, struggles and difficulties from both within and without.

Sometimes kissing those waves is difficult. Other times it is impossible for us without the aid of grace. I believe that one of the keys to success in this is in Paul's statement on contentment. He said he had learned it. We tend to think that this should come naturally because we believe in God or something. It isn't natural for us. In the spiritual nature versus nurture aspect of our new life, this is definitely nurture. It is a learned response. It becomes more natural as we practice turning toward God and holding onto His love for us rather than fighting the waves and wind buffeting us.

Acceptance may indeed be the answer as long as we are accepting the right thing. Life is hard and can be so overwhelming. Simply accepting that it is what it is can help or it can lead to hopelessness. But accepting that there is good even in the bad if it drives us closer to Daddy can lead to peace and contentment even in the most difficult of situations.What we most need to accept is the truth that Daddy loves and cares for us, that there is a place of safety and security in the storm, though the winds continue to howl.

Kissing the waves is coming to the place in our spirit where we can be grateful that we have a Rock to cling to. No matter what craziness and confusion is threatening us we can let the wind blow as hard as it can and let the tempest roar till its had enough and the world give all the hurt it can as we trust the Lord of love and stand upon the solid rock of who the Great I Am is and His  love for us.

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