Saturday, April 20, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ April 20, 2019 ~ Everybody Wants Heaven, But Nobody Wants To Die

Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die. That of course is not some deep original thought of mine, and it is mostly true. I say mostly, because there are people who want to die, or at least don't want to live the life they have any longer or just want the pain to stop. Still if you could offer every suicidal person on earth the chance to live without the health problems, mental problems, relationship problems or whatever bondage has them so miserable that they want to die, I dare say that they would choose an idyllic life over death.

The statement is also true from the standpoint that everyone wants to go to Heaven, but so many don't want to pay the ticket price. We want to make it harder than it is, or cost more than it does, or we want it to have no cost at all. It ranges from do the impossible, keep the law and be perfect to just be able to be considered a relatively good person. And the truth is that it's both easier and harder than that because it is completely free and costs everything. It has nothing to do with our being good or bad but in Christ's goodness being given to us through the cross. By grace we become new, able to have relationship with our Creator and live life as we should. But while it's free and already paid for, it does have a price, and that price is everything. In order to follow Christ we must be willing to die to ourselves, to sacrifice our will for God's, to crucify our nature in order to have His nature reign in us. To get to Heaven, all you have to do is die...die spiritually in Christ and to Christ so that through Christ you can live again.

And that brings me to the wildest part of today's musings. Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die. Yet, there is one who left glory in Heaven because He wanted to come to Earth and die. He wanted to die? Yest, for the joy of the results of that death, He gladly endured the shame and pain of death by crucifixion. He died so that you and I could live, with Him, forever. He did what none of us really want to do in order to give us an escape from death. But He didn't stay dead. There may be times when it seems like He's gone or not doing anything. We may even think He's gone for good. But no matter how dark and hopeless things might seem on Saturday, Sunday's resurrection victory is on the way and because He lives, we can live and face today and tomorrow.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
March 26, 2016.

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