Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ April 24, 2019 ~ Let Us Listen

There are times when I am in a group setting discussing recovery and I try to contribute something solution based and truthful to the talk. From time to time however, the best thing I can do for myself and the group is not to speak unless addressed and then to thankfully decline the opportunity to speak and confess to be listening only on that particular day.

When I first started down my journey down recovery road I heard and saw others decline to share and proclaim to be listening instead, and somehow I formed the mistaken thought that this is something that people new to recovery or struggling for some reason need to do from time to time. That part may be true, but it is not the whole truth.

Every preacher, every prophet, every lay person in a relationship with their Creator has something they have been given in order to give it away. We are all called to be a light on this spiritual journey. We will all have something to share from time to time, even if only one on one. We are not all called to preach, but we are all called to carry the message to the captives and to those still suffering. We are called to share our experience, strength and hope to help others. But not always.

Even the preacher and the prophet has times when they are not told to preach but to listen. Do not fall into a trap of worrying about what other people think, what you feel you are supposed to be giving rather than receiving or that you are in any way obligated to give when God has not instructed or given something for you to give, when you are in need of help, service and conscious contact with God yourself.

Today let us shine for Him and be quick to speak when given something to speak, but let us also be just as quick to listen and let our needs be ministered to as well. Let us not pretend not to be needy when we are. Let us not push it away and use service to cover the fact that we need to hear from God. Let us listen.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
April 24, 2016.

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