Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Unshackled Echo ~ April 30, 2019 ~ Automatic Updates

My laptop attempted to update this morning. I postponed it for four hours and then went on a settings search. I hate computer updates, especially automatic ones. For too long to remember, I had the computer set up where I had to go in manually, tell it to search for updates and install them, Something happened within the past couple of months that reset the settings somehow and suddenly the computer began updating automatically. I would get a 15 minute warning before shutdown. I caught the first one by the grace of God as I recorded my father preaching one Sunday morning. Had I not gotten up and checked the recording levels in that 30 second window the warning shows up, the programs I was using would have been force stopped and the computer would have restarted in the middle of the recording. I saw it, postponed the action and continued recording. This happened every week for a while, then the attempts became almost daily, even though I did allow it to update.

This morning, I went back in and changed the settings. Now once a month  or three I will have to go in, tell it to check for and download updates and install the ones that I decide I want, but I won't have to worry about interference and shut down in the middle of something I'm doing. I don't have to worry about Microsoft sticking something on the computer I don't want (and no, I do not want to update to Windows 10. I love Windows 7 as is, thank you very much). I don't want to give up that control. I don't entirely trust Microsoft not to mess up something I like. I know that when set to do things automatically it seems to always happen at the worst, most inconvenient time. I like to pick when I check for updates, when I defrag, etc. I like to choose if, when and which updates I install.

Sometimes we treat God like I treat Microsoft. The Spirit pops up in the middle of our routine, during some activity we don't wish to postpone or stop and says it's time to communicate, we need to replace some things, we need to update, we need to change some things in our operating system. We respond with delays, not a good time, reschedule, we want to control the times table. Wait, we think, I'm not too sure about this particular operating system update. I'm pretty comfortable with the current one. Let's just leave things as are for now. I don't mind that particular flaw, drawback or problem too much. If I change it, I won't be able to enjoy this self function I really like.

No, God is not Microsoft. He doesn't have to debug anything. His updates are always better, always an improvement, and the things He wants to remove and change, need to be removed and changed. His timing is always best, no matter how intrusive or inconvenient to our plans and wishes. To follow Jesus means to allow Him to control, manage and transform our operating system. That means we need to set everything to automatic. Automatically check for instructions, updates and recommended changes. Automatically make changes and updates the Spirit calls for, without picking and choosing or postponing. Force stop all activity and applications to concentrate on updates and restart whenever the Spirit says to do so, because there is nothing going on in our lives, ever, that is more crucial than a system update. Ever? No, because if it truly were the Holy Spirit wouldn't pick that time to do it. God's will is always the best option and timing for us.

No, we are not the system administrator of our lives any longer. Give up control, even the control of when to run system checks and updates and communication must be surrendered. At least spiritually, feel free to tell Microsoft to wait.

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
April 30, 2016.

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