Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Unshackled Moments ~ May 30, 2017 ~ Plankeye Syndrome

If you are anything like me, Dear Reader, it is so very easy to fall into Plankeye Syndrome. That's that state of hating, disliking and or being uncomfortable with the world, life, people and situations around you as they are, coupled with being uncomfortable, disliking and or hating the way you are, and using criticism of the first part of the equation, the outer things, as the solution. Wow, that's a mouthful. I'm sorry, and I hope what I wrote made sense. It's not an easy idea for me to define. The basic gist is that there something I don't like so I criticize it and the people involved, failing to realize or address being a part of the problem myself.

I am talking of a specific thing where we are involved or have at least a small bit of influence or participation. Sometimes raising a voice against something is the only option we may have to try to do something about what is wrong with a situation we are not a part of, for instance human trafficking. We aren't participating in or contributing to the problem, so speaking out against it, criticizing it and the ineffective attempts to police, prosecute and stop it and the countries that actively support it, etc. to raise awareness and cause people to put pressure on those with power may be all we can do besides pray for the situation and those involved. In that case, not criticizing the situation may be how we contribute and help make possible the problem itself. But there are other times when that is not really the case.

I remember years ago getting upset during a recovery meeting and leaving early. The next day, a friend asked me why I had left, and I told her. The entire thing had turned into a self-pity party and war story contest. That wasn't helping me, in fact it was doing the opposite. I needed solution, not wallowing in the problem. So, if it wasn't going to be about solution I was going to leave. That's when she reminded me of an important truth and gave me some great advice The advice first, be the solution you want to see in the meeting, and remember that our primary purpose is to help those who are suffering. The truth of it is that if I am in the situation just to get what I need, then I am being as selfish as those who are whining and bragging instead of helping. I am not the only one there who needs solution. If I focus on helping and contributing solution to the discussion, then I get out of self, help someone else, and might even possibly change the direction and tone of the discussion by demonstrating what we need to be talking about.

That is just one example. There are many possibilities where this applies. How easy is it to get frustrated with all the rude and inconsiderate people in a store and allow that frustration to make us just rush through to get out of there, and in that rushing and anger at how others have treated us, cut people off, fail to acknowledge others, and generally become just another selfish shopper that someone else may classify as rude and inconsiderate? How much better would it be if when we feel that way, to actively take the effort and time to be more kind, more polite, more considerate to the others in the store with us? Maybe we might be a blessing to someone, a bright spot in what would have been a miserable time at the store, and at the same time, by focusing on making the time in the store better for the others we're stuck in there with, we get out of self and make our own experience better and less miserable.

It's so easy to criticize the lack of love, kindness and simple consideration of others in the world. We can then become frustrated or hopeless in the situation and end up contributing to the problem. But if we want to follow Jesus, we have to do what He did. He walked through everyday life loving and changing those around Him rather than being changed by them and letting their unloving actions and attitudes make Him respond in an unloving manner. What if instead of walking into a group of people who are all upset and frustrated and allowing that energy to cause us to become frustrated, upset and anxious, we were so loving and full of peace that at least some on the group around us become less upset and frustrated, more at peace themselves? What if instead of cursing the lack of love in the world, we turned up the volume on our own compassion and love and service to others?

Today, let us be the change we seek, while seeking to serve others who need a change. I'm not saying try to control or manipulate the actions and feelings of people around us. It's not I'm going to be kind to those around me to make them be kind to me. It's not do unto others so they will do unto you. It's do to others what you need, what you would want, as you would have them do to you. So give that rude jerk a smile instead of acting like a jerk back. Maybe no one has been kind to them all day or all week. Be the love the world needs to experience, be a part of the solution rather than falling into the problem, be the kindness that brightens someone's day and be the help that shows an alternative to the look out for number one, what's in it for me? mentality of most.

Just remember that the selfishness and self centeredness that we can be so critical about in others is the very thing that is and was the root of our own spiritual problems. If we have any freedom in that area it is not because we are better than those who are being selfish jerks but because of the grace of God. The only way we can walk so unselfishly that we are the positive change and light and love around us that we and the world needs is to stay surrendered to God and let Him do the loving through us. I want to be a part of the solution, the change that is needed. If you feel the same, then we need to remember that in order to do that, we need to let God change and transform us into His likeness and, in every situation, by grace, be so under the control and power of the Spirit, that we effect others rather than falling into line with the attitudes and actions we encounter.

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