Saturday, August 11, 2018

Unshackled Echo ~ August 11, 2018 ~ Who Built This House?

Today's Unshackled Echo was previously published on
March 23, 2015.

God is the architect. I am the builder. –Unknown

I came across the above quote this morning, and I have to admit that at first glance it sounds pretty good. God is in charge of the plan, but we have to do our part, we do the work. But as good as this sounds, it's a little off from the right idea. This forgets the truth of my helplessness and powerlessness. I agree with the truth and idea that I have to do my part. I need to give everything I have and am to the process, but as a laborer at best. Carpenter's helper is probably a more accurate job description.

The builder still has some power over the process. The architect designs the house, but it's the builder who is charge of getting it done. The builder will make the day to day decisions as to how, when, where and more. The builder is actually the one in charge on the site, the one the workers know and see. I can't afford to give myself that kind of power and control over building the house of my life. I must remember that I am a lowly, unskilled laborer. I will place the board where the Architect and Builder say, cut it to the length He says, and place the nails where He wants. I don't make the choices, I just do as I'm told. Where I insert my knowledge and skill into the project is where the house gets a little off-square at best. I don't want that.

Psalm 127 tells us, "Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it."

Abba, help me to remember my place in the construction of my life. Let me not labor in vain or damage any further Your plans. I want to do it Your way. Instruct me step by step, board by board, nail by nail. Amen.

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