Friday, August 17, 2018

Unshackled Moments ~ August 17, 2018 ~ Don't Panic

We've probably all heard the scripture that the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. That sounds a little scary, and it is devastating information if that is the whole story. Just as if you stop at Step one the situation is hopeless. We are powerless over our bondage. Great. Now what? But there is more to the story.

The writers of scripture were inspired by the Holy Spirit with truth, but how that was done varied with the different people doing the writing and the different audiences. If that verse were written today for us, it would probably read differently, but the original audience knew something about man eating lions that most of us may not know.

Man eating lions will crouch in the night near a village and roar. It's deafening and frightening. Those who stay in the shelter are OK, but those who panic and let their fear drive them to run, become pray. Fear says you have to move, but it's not true. The devil is a roaring lion. He can't storm in and get us when we are in the shelter of Daddy's wings. So he crouches nearby and roars, causing fear. We may stay afraid, but if we remember that God is our shelter and our refuge and stay put, he can't do more than make noise. It is only when we let our fear drive us to look for an answer outside the shelter of God's love and will for us that we get chewed up.

Today, let us not panic at the sound of the roaring lion. Let us remember that while it's scary, it is only noise. Jesus has defeated the works of the devil and we are secure in Daddy's love for us. We may be in the Valley of the Shadow, but we don't have to stay afraid because the Shepherd is with us.

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